News / Blog Posts
Fright Night
The hu-dad is old enough to have seen and enjoyed the original Fright Night, so he is a little shocked that they have remade the movie. For some reason, he thinks our remake is far more convincing. (Errrrr, and we did not even mention those other “vampires” popular in current movies that aren’t scary at…
Read Today's Herd StoryWildlife in our Yard
A couple of weeks ago, we showed you some black bear tracks near our house. We talked to a neighbor who said they saw a mama bear and 4 cubs. Four! We really found that a little hard to believe, but then another neighbor posted these pictures on Facebook. Yep, four cubs. Wow! We have…
Read Today's Herd StoryWhy Our Comments Are Slow
We have been a little slow at commenting on every body’s blogs. Want to know why? We only have access to half of our keys, thanks to Rusty.
Read Today's Herd StorySquirrel
We may have done a post about Squirrels for Peace once, but the reality is that we rarely get squirrels up near our house. For whatever reason – altitude, predators, whatever – they simply do not venture much around us. So when the dogs alert on a walk, we are looking for a lot of…
Read Today's Herd StoryGuard Face
As followers of our Facebook Page know, we got caught in a rain and hail storm yesterday. Since, of course, we did not have the windows for the Jeep, we found a Lowe’s and parked under their customer pick-up shelter. Natasha went on guard duty: Once again, Queen Natasha the Evil has protected The Herd…
Read Today's Herd StoryWaiting
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Read Today's Herd StoryCheesewhiz Chirping
What we put up with when Cheoah the Cheesewhiz gets bored.
Read Today's Herd StoryPictures from Sarge’s Downtown Dog Walk
Missed the walk? Click here, click the donate button, and send a few dollars to a fantastic all-breed animal rescue (in the description, tell them The Herd sent you). Enjoy the pictures!
Read Today's Herd Story