News / Blog Posts
The Eyes Have It
Click on the picture to enlarge, but we always have thought Cheesewhiz has the most unusual eyes. Both eyes are “parti-eyes” (that it, eyes with multiple colors). Her left eye (right on the screen) is the “typical” half blue / half brown, but the right eye is brown with a single blue dot. Pretty cool,…
Read Today's Herd StoryCount That Picket Line Carefully
P.S. – To answer a couple of questions from yesterday, a picket line is simply a tie out for multiple dogs. Our particular picket line has “drops” for 10, though we use that mainly for spacing. There are a number of good supplies, but ours comes from Alpine Outfitters (click here and go about half…
Read Today's Herd StoryPicket Line Saturday
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Read Today's Herd StoryRV Weekend
Yes, we are off on a long weekend of RVing with The Herd. Nothing like a weekend of kicking back, long hikes, and general relaxation. We will be sure to post any great stories from our camping adventures, so stay tuned.
Read Today's Herd StoryTaste Test Thursday
As we mentioned the other day, we are trying out new dogs foods after the Taste of the Wild recall. We have narrowed it down to three foods and have now asked The Herd which they prefer. Here are the video results.
Read Today's Herd StoryCan We Come In and Play?
The weather here Sunday was rain. Steady, cold, non-stop rain. A bored Herd is, well, a challenge, and so we kept inventing games throughout the day. One of those games you will see later this week – “Pick Your Future Food.” As we mentioned a week or so ago, we are having to choose a…
Read Today's Herd Story