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P.S. – To answer a couple of questions from yesterday, a picket line is simply a tie out for multiple dogs. Our particular picket line has “drops” for 10, though we use that mainly for spacing. There are a number of good supplies, but ours comes from Alpine Outfitters (click here and go about half way down the page to find them). And, for the record, we do not receive any compensation from them and bought our picket line just like anyone else would. We just like to share when we find a company we enjoy.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
with Sibes it is always ‘the more the merrier” and the dogs would agree with that I bet! woo woos to the Herd!
So where to you tie or hook the picket line to? I’m trying to see that from the picture but can’t tell.
Sometimes to a tree, car bumper, or some other fixed object (just make sure it is really fixed, so The Herd does not move something – like a picnic table a few years ago). In this case, however, we were using tie-out stakes driven into the ground.
I am sure you all had a great time together!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
I think it’s awesome that your cousins get to come and play with you!
It looks so peaceful on the picket line today! I wonder when the chaos will ensue… And by that, I mean that I’ve seen some rather entertaining ways that certain Sibes amuse themselves when they get bored!
But but but… there is still room for two more Siberians… Maybe my two can join you guys! Although Natasha may have her hands full putting Maddox into his place. That would do him some good I suspect….
I thought I was seeing too many dogs!