News / Blog Posts
Sleeping Arrangements
We once showed you Typhoon’s idea of the perfect sleeping arrangements here at Chez Herd. Visitors to Chez Herd are always amused when they enter the Master Bedroom and find this set up.
Read Today's Herd StoryLazy Sunday Mornings
Something about the colder weather (the temperatures here are below freezing now in the morning) just makes some of us really appreciate lazy Sunday mornings.
Read Today's Herd StoryGiving Commands
Queen Natasha the Evil is in charge of every detail of The Herd. Here she is giving commands to everypup before heading out on a perimeter patrol. ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Read Today's Herd StoryFriday Games
As we prepare for the upcoming weekend, there is nothing more fun than Friday games.
Read Today's Herd StoryIs There Anybody In There?
Pardon us for the musical reference, but we ask the “Is there anybody in there?” question at meal time twice a day.
Read Today's Herd StoryDifferent Views
We know, Queen Natasha smiling is one of our different views. But we really thought we would share the scene we saw coming home from our last walk.
Read Today's Herd StorySupervising the Lower Field
Our weather station (the one that shows the live weather feed over to the right on our web page) is located in the field below Sibe Quentin. The hu-dad had to do a little maintenance on the station, so, of course, we had to help by supervising the lower field and the hu-dad’s work. Look…
Read Today's Herd StoryLazy Sunday
Sunday was cloudy, cool, drizzly. In other words, it was a perfect lazy Sunday.
Read Today's Herd StoryRest of the Story
Yesterday, we posted this picture on our Facebook Page. Now, let’s show you the rest of the story. We are sorry, but there are no more pictures because a giant indoor game of “tackle-wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it” ensued and hu-dad felt trampled.
Read Today's Herd StoryPlotting and Planning
For some reason, the hu-dad gets nervous when we are plotting and planning together. Why should he be concerned? ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Read Today's Herd Story