News / Blog Posts
Why We Are Thankful
Today, you will find lots of posts expressing why people and canines (and even cats) are thankful. Sure, we could list that we are a bunch of rescues and landed in a great forever home. We could talk about the beautiful area we live in. We could talk about health, happiness, peace on earth. But…
Read Today's Herd StoryQuick on Your Feet
When you are a member of The Herd – particularly if you are an instigator – it pays to be quick on your feet.
Read Today's Herd StoryJust Too Quiet
In a house full of Siberian Huskies, the humans can get nervous when it gets quiet. The hu-dad realized things had become just too quiet, counted noses, and realize that two Siberians were up to something. So he went looking.
Read Today's Herd StoryRadiant Heat Floors
When we built the new house, we installed radiant heat. The hu-dad wanted to be able to walk across floors bare-footed in the winter. We think warm floors are a good idea, too. Since we do not need air conditioning (it rarely hits 80F where we live), we knew we did not need duct work…
Read Today's Herd StoryWell Tuned Athletes
By the way, we have lots of problems with this sign. For example, notice that they have not banned cats. Cats!!! Those feline critters get away with everything (and have really scary claws and hisses), but they shouldn’t be able to go where we can’t. And squirrels. Come on. Squirrels? Why aren’t they banned? Regardless,…
Read Today's Herd StoryEyeing the Prize
The hu-dad was preparing a snack tray and realized that some pup was really eyeing the prize. P.S. – We thought everyone would appreciate the rest of the story. Young Typhoon almost scored big as we were preparing this snack tray. Hu-dad had placed two blocks of cheese on the counter and turned to grab…
Read Today's Herd StoryMorning Routines
Our morning routines are important to us to get our day started properly. So what are your morning routines?
Read Today's Herd StoryKitchen Help
When the humans have guests over to the house, they always are scrambling to get everything ready and say they need some kitchen help. So, of course, we volunteer.
Read Today's Herd StoryGood Morning, Sunshine
Good morning, sunshine. Our day has begun even though a few dogs might need a little wake up time before they deal with the realities of the day. Not totally unlike the humans stumbling around in the kitchen at this exact same time. But what realities does a dog really have to face?
Read Today's Herd StoryStop Action Photography
Stop action photography does not refer to Hu-Dad’s photography skills, but our ability to stop whatever we are doing whenever the camera appears.
Read Today's Herd StoryGuess Who’s Coming to Dinner
When we visit the Charleston area, we often see some friends. But they also come up to enjoy the mountains and bring their dogs with them. So guess who’s coming to dinner? Yep, the human guests were here last night and brought Nia and Kodi with them.
Read Today's Herd StoryWalking Close
Yesterday was Saturday, so of course we did our usual long walks. Some pup is taking that walking close to an extreme.
Read Today's Herd Story