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When the humans have guests over to the house, they always are scrambling to get everything ready and say they need some kitchen help. So, of course, we volunteer.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Ice ‘n Ayla used to be the most wonderful kitchen help. I can imagine what it would be like if you had more than just three “kitchen helpers” in there. Are no more than three at a time allowed? I’ll bet that dishwasher is open just for them to help, and all you have to do is put the dishes away when they’re done!
Mum and dad don’t like me to help in the kitchen either, but then other times they say I should get a job and earn my keep! I can’t win.
I have that same kind of help…
Stop on by for a visit
Oh c’mon. You can help catch stuff that might otherwise fall on the floor. Or you could remove any extra stuff from the counters to cut down on clutter. Your humans have no idea how to delegate! 😉
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
So lucky that dish washer is Husky Height! If you would put some pull-ropes on those cabinet doors it would be easier, and the wood would last longer…..
Love your post as always! Still can’t get over how gorgeous your pups are! I wish my hubby would let me have a couple more LOL…….one can only wish 😉
Thanks again for all your help with my new blog, I have had a few visitors because of you!
Humans never appreciate it. What up wit that!
Team young pack…disperse…..find all the snaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx….HUSKY!!!!M -a.Husky Commander
Read it in the old voice of cobra commander from gi joe lol
Awe, you three would make fabulous dishwashers huh, those dishes would just sparkle from your washing. 🙂
Have a good day Thunder Herd!!!