News / Blog Posts

Breaking In the New Ride

December 22, 2013 |

The Old Jeep Wrangler has been our ride for a very long time, but the hu-dad felt that it was time to trade in for a new model. So he bought, of course, a new Jeep Wrangler. At least he is consistent. Hu-dad has had it for about a week, though half of that time…

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Stress of Leadership

December 21, 2013 |

When you think about the great leaders in the world, you can always see the stress of leadership in the way they act. We have our own resident leader in Queen Natasha the Evil and we wanted to ask her opinion of how she deals with the stress. On second thought, maybe some are just…

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Caught Napping

December 20, 2013 |

The Junior Team likes to sleep out in the yard of Sibe Quentin on sunny days while the Senior Team stays on the porch. Hu-dad caught the Junior Team napping yesterday and they didn’t realize he had stepped outside.

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Kitchen Inspection

December 19, 2013 |

One of our all important jobs is kitchen inspection. Don’t get us wrong – we really prefer to help cook dinner. For some reason, though, the humans let us go outside and play while they cook dinner. What is up with that? Anyway, after dinner is complete, we come inside to make sure that clean…

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Laser Therapy for Dogs

December 18, 2013 |

Pardon us for being a little more serious than normal (we Siberians do have a wicked sense of humor), but we want to tell you about laser therapy for dogs. Our vet, the Animal Hospital of Waynesville, called to let us know that they were installing new laser technology. They were training their staff on…

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Helping in the Office

December 17, 2013 |

The hu-dad often sits at his desk in the study and does busyness. We don’t totally understand what he does, but we are always helping in the office.

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A Taste of Christmas

December 16, 2013 |

That big holiday is getting closer. Despite – or maybe because of – a pretty wide streak of naughty, some of us are trying to get an early taste of Christmas. For some odd reason, there are no more photographs. The hu-dad found himself a little busy.

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How to Enjoy a Rainy Day

December 15, 2013 |

After a few sunny days, Saturday was rainy, foggy, and cool. Not that a certain member of The Herd didn’t find a way to enjoy a rainy day anyway.

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Napping Spots

December 14, 2013 |

With nice sunny weather, the sport of napping is in full swing around Chez Herd. Let’s check in on some of Typhoon’s favorite napping spots.

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Friday Fun in the Sun Day

December 13, 2013 |

After a week of rain, we have finally had a few sunny days. For some reason, though, the hu-dad is not hanging outside in the yard with us despite the sunny, 18F (-8C) degrees. His loss because this is Friday Fun in the Sun Day – and perfect Siberian wrestling weather. Where are the seniors…

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Quitting Time?

December 12, 2013 |

For some odd reason, hu-dad’s study has doors that can be closed. Something about concentrating on things on his desk and not having phone calls interrupted with song time. Hey, we can’t explain those humans. Anyway, that means that we have to check in on him sometimes just to see if it is quitting time…

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The Best Hiding Places

December 11, 2013 |

After a week of rain, the sun finally came out yesterday afternoon. Even better, the temperatures dropped throughout the day. With colder, dryer weather, we were ready to romp and play all over Sibe Quentin. And what is the best game to play? Hide and Seek, of course. Cheoah is the master of this game.…

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