News / Blog Posts

Can You Hear The Theme Song?

April 1, 2023 |

Wherever the Trouble Brothers venture, mischief will occur. They plot. They plan. They wreak havoc. All they need now is the perfect theme song to follow them wherever they go. What’s your suggestion?

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Frankie Suave Lawn Inspection

March 31, 2023 |

The trees are covered with buds, the flowers poking their heads above the ground, and the grass is greening. Spring is in the air. Frankie Suave is very interested in proper lawn care, especially the level of tasty bugs and grub. Correction—he meant healthy, not tasty bugs and grub. Right, Frankie? Right?

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Too Much To Do

March 30, 2023 |

You would think Roscoe could relax and enjoy a beautiful spring evening, but he’s still working to cross everything off his to do list. What else would explain his scurrying from place to place in the backyard?

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A Tempting Decision

March 28, 2023 |

The Trouble Brothers, Roscoe and Typhoon, take turns launching surprise attacks on each other. Few rules exist in this game except that Hu-Dad insists on not being involved. So Roscoe faced a dilemma. If Hu-Dad is having a discussion with Typhoon, should Roscoe jump at the chance or wait until later? P.S. – Roscoe’s not great in the patience department.

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Boom Boom’s Deep Thinking

March 26, 2023 |

Sometimes, Hu-Dad catches one of us contemplating the meaning of life. Or, perhaps, wondering why squirrels are so fast. Or meals only come twice a day. Or how many hours a day can we nap. Or…

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Feigning Interest

March 25, 2023 |

We had another perfect spring evening to sit outside and enjoy the warm temperatures. Well, almost perfect. Hu-Dad was, for the eleventy-seven bazillionth time, explaining to Typhoon the importance of rules, following commands, and being a good dog. The Little Prince can barely pretend to be listening.

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A Real Spring Evening

March 24, 2023 |

After frigid cold earlier this week (which we liked but the humans didn’t), our weather turned decidedly spring-like yesterday. In fact, it was so nice, Hu-Dad sat outside to read. Don’t worry, though, because we kept security watch to ensure no errant squirrels, rabbits, neighboring canines, or other critters pestered the Hu-Dad.

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Library Quiet

March 23, 2023 |

In the corner of his study, Hu-Dad has a comfy reading chair. He likes to sit in it for an hour or so every evening with a good book. All he asks is that we play quietly so he can concentrate. He looked up from the pages and saw Roscoe and Typhoon right in front of him, following his request perfectly. Such good dogs.

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Is It Time For Bed Yet?

March 21, 2023 |

Roscoe is the official timekeeper for The Herd. He tracks when it’s time for walks, meals, backyard trips, and sleep. And, yes, he’s quick to let the Hu-Dad know when the schedule is slipping for some reason. Of course, that reason is usually because of Hu-Dad’s busyness. Just try to work with those eyes pleading.

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Weather Complaints

March 19, 2023 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey would like to share his displeasure. No, that’s not unusual, but in this case, he would like to ask why we get so many cold and rainy days, or we get below freezing temperatures and no precipitation, but we never seem to get snow. A Herd of Siberian Huskies wants answers.

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What’s For Dinner?

March 18, 2023 |

Hu-Dad has this strange no-surfing rule in the kitchen. No, we’re not talking waves. This is about counters. He expects us to maintain four-on-the-floor at all times. Now, how are we supposed to find out what’s for dinner under such crazy regulations?

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Blind Faith

March 17, 2023 |

Poor Roscoe loves his observation window. He can watch walkers pass the house, squirrels scamper in the yard, and even our neighbor canines in their yards. When he tried to get a closer look, however, things went terribly wrong. His nose touched the glass and the blinds slipped over his head. Hu-Dad had to rescue him (while attempting to contain snickering). Who knew window treatments can sometimes fight back?

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