News / Blog Posts

Don’t Give Up The View

June 15, 2020 |

The best buddies, Roscoe and Typhoon, have claimed the upper deck as their private resort and insist—Don’t Give Up The View!

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Dinner Bell

June 12, 2020 |

How does Hu-Dad get the attention of a Herd of Siberian Huskies? Ring the dinner bell and we all come running.

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Boom Zoom

June 11, 2020 |

Zoomies happen at any moment, but a Boom Boom Zoom Zoom might be the best of all because the boy is so happy at high speeds.

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Couch Potato Sibe

June 10, 2020 |

Hu-Dad settled into his study for a day of work and discovered one member of The Herd was opting to be a couch potato Sibe.

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Ever-Present Shadow

June 9, 2020 |

His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has an ever-present shadow close no matter where he is or what he is trying to do.

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Deck Suave Supervisor

June 8, 2020 |

On a warm summer afternoon, our very own deck suave supervisor was hard at work keeping track of the tides and the sea birds.

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Forced Entry

June 5, 2020 |

We Siberian Huskies are known for many delinquent traits including our incredible escape abilities, but we can use those for forced entry too.

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Post-Collision Antics

June 4, 2020 |

Yesterday, we ended our post with a looming disaster as Roscoe raced toward Typhoon. What happened in the post-collision antics?

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Midweek Stretch

June 3, 2020 |

Wednesday has arrived and Roscoe is ready for the midweek stretch. In fairness, he’s actually quite eager for it

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Five O’Clock Somewhere

June 2, 2020 |

A certain Little Prince was caught sneaking up on the Hu-Dad’s refreshments on the deck last night. His defense? It’s five o’clock somewhere

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Waiting For Our Morning Walk

June 1, 2020 |

Our Hu-Dad likes to read his newspaper before our morning walk which means we have to wait until he is ready. Some of us do that patiently. Some don’t

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Tropical Heat & Humidity

May 29, 2020 |

Tropical Storm Bertha came and went, but she left us with tons of tropical heat and humidity which is making our walks fun

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