Ever-Present Shadow

His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has an ever-present shadow close no matter where he is or what he is trying to do.

Wait for me!
Wait for me!

If Hu-Dad ever wants to find Roscoe, all he needs to do is locate Typhoon. Or vice versa. The two of them are never apart.

Yard, deck, doesn't matter—Typhoon's shadow follows.
Yard, deck, doesn’t matter—Typhoon’s shadow follows.

That closeness makes the next photograph quite unusual and even mysterious. Where is Roscoe?

You think my little brother isn't close?
You think my little brother isn’t close?

Don’t worry. He was right behind the photographer and racing to be close to his brother. Which leads us to the next photograph and the incoming nose.

Roscoe's nose as he races to Typhoon.
Roscoe’s nose as he races to Typhoon.
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