News / Blog Posts

Christmas Snacks

December 14, 2020 |

When from the kitchen arises such a clatter, Hu-Dad knows instantly what is the matter. His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey seems to have missed the memo about being one of the good little boys so Santa will bring him gifts. He’s just decided to take what he wants. Too bad he got caught (and you can tell how much he cares).

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Squirrel Nest

December 13, 2020 |

Hu-Dad wondered where the double-trouble brothers had disappeared to. He looked up and saw they had climbed the stairs to the top of the double deck. You might think they are watching the marsh birds, but, no, they are looking inland at their far more favorite target—squirrels. Let’s just call this their squirrel nest—the perfect observation post to watch their enemy.

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Waking Up Grumpy

December 12, 2020 |

Frankie Suave may be eager to greet each new day, but some of us have been accused of waking up grumpy. Of course, some of us are grumpy at lunch, dinner, night, when the wind blows, when it doesn’t blow, when the humans aren’t doing things right, when… Not naming any names, but here is a photo of His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey.

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Caption This: Boom Boom Defense

December 11, 2020 |

Hu-Dad walked into the guest bedroom and found Landon on the bed, despite previous discussions about how that wasn’t appropriate. The look you see above is Boom Boom thinking of his best defense. So what did he say? Give us your best for this week’s Caption This.

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Not Suspicious At All

December 10, 2020 |

Quiet time in the house as the humans sip their morning coffee. Hu-Dad looks up and thinks he sees some movement behind a chair, close to an unguarded coffee cup. Roscoe freezes, hiding behind a lamp, so he isn’t spotted. So what do you think, Dear Readers. Do you suspect somepup was planning something, or is this not suspicious at all?

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Eye On The Prize

December 8, 2020 |

Roscoe’s nemesis? Squirrels. They romp through the trees, leap from branch to branch, and scamper about the yard. All of their play, however, happens outside the fence, much to his disappointment. Don’t worry, though, he has his eye on the prize. Someday…

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Eager To Start The Week

December 7, 2020 |

What could be more exciting than Monday morning, the start of a brand new week. Do we hear grumbling out there from our readers? Come on, you should be as eager to start the week as Frankie Suave. Though it does look like Hu-Dad may need a wee bit more coffee to achieve that same look.

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The TV Critic

December 6, 2020 |

The humans debated whether our resident TV critic was bored with the current show or if he found it just intriguing enough to watch. He certainly isn’t giving it an enthusiastic two paws up, but he can’t seem to take his eyes off the screen either. His suggestion to liven it up was to have the star replaced with a dog.

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Not Winter Weather

December 5, 2020 |

We had a couple of mornings this week when the temperatures dropped to just below freezing. And we do mean JUST below. But it was enough for some frost to freeze on exposed surfaces such as our trippy-trapp bridge we cross every morning. Hu-Dad tried to tell us that it was snow, but Typhoon’s look says it all. We Siberian Huskies know this is not winter weather.

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Caption This: Roscoe’s Thoughts

December 4, 2020 |

Hu-Dad claims this idea is all about allowing our creative readers to show their ingenuity. We think it’s just an excuse for him to take a day off once a week. Either way, we’re starting a new tradition—Caption This! All you have to do is look deep into Roscoe’s eyes in today’s photo and let us know what he’s thinking. The best reply wins the grand prize (which is the honor of knowing you came up with the best reply).

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Frankie Morning Smile

December 3, 2020 |

Frankie Suave is passionate about a few things—twice-a-day walks, twice-a-day meals, multiple-times-a-day naps, and sunrise. No, really, he loves the start of each day and gives it an enthusiastic morning smile. Sort of a ready-or-not, here-I-come approach. Probably easier to do when your a.m. agenda consists of a walk, a meal, and a really long nap.

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Lack Of Recall

December 1, 2020 |

When we say Landon has a “lack of recall,” we should explain our vocabulary. You might have thought this story had something to do with our refusal to go to the humans when they shout “Come here!” We are Siberian Huskies, so we notoriously refuse to comply with such requests. But in today’s case, Hu-Dad asked if Landon remembered the discussions about not sleeping on the human guest bed, especially with muddy paws. Landon responded he didn’t recall those conversations. Vague promises may have been made about future compliance.

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