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Stressful Weekend
Boom Boom wants everyone to know how hard his life is. He only gets two long walks a day for about five miles total. He only gets fed twice a day. His pillow fell in the floor and no one has put it back under his head. And this couch is so narrow his feety-feet are hanging off the edge. If those things don’t add up to yet another stressful weekend, he doesn’t know what does. He requests your expressions of sympathy.
Read Today's Herd StoryClash Of The Titans
His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey and his bestest buddy Roscoe P. wrestle, play, chase, and generally create havoc together. Hu-Dad asked them to sit nicely for a photo-op, so, of course, a full-scale clash of the titans match broke out in the yard. Some day we will share a sit-nicely photo. Not today.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Resisting The Brown Eyes
Frankie Suave is cool and calm about most anything, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t expressive. When he wants something, from his Hu-Dad, he pulls out his ultimate weapon—the head in the lap and soulful brown eyes. The fact Hu-Dad’s lap was blocked by this bench arm wasn’t an issue. How could anyone get away with resisting the brown eyes of Mr. Suave? In this week’s caption this, what was Frankie’s request? Let’s hear your best answers.
Read Today's Herd StoryToo Early For This
Life at Chez Herd by the Sea might seem blissful. Two long walks a day. Breakfast and dinner fit for kings. Comfy beds and couches for snoozing. Birds and squirrels to watch. But the price is our photographer Hu-Dad following us with his camera. Typhoon saw it pointed in his direction and grumbled, “Too early for this.”
Read Today's Herd StoryBoom Cool
The great thing about photography is the ability to capture a single moment, that second of time when the subject hits that perfect pose and exudes power, confidence, and that certain level of sophistication. We call this Boom Cool. Don’t worry, though, two seconds later he was bouncing through the yard like a kangaroo, which is how Landon became Boom Boom in the first place.
Read Today's Herd StoryNo More Obsession Jokes
Roscoe would like to issue an apology to our readers. All week, we’ve made jokes about Landon’s non-stop chattering. We’ve allowed a simple thing to distract us, to become an all-consuming topic. So, right now, we’ll stop. No more obsession jokes. Right, Roscoe? Uh, Roscoe? Why are you staring at that squirrel? Roscoe!
Read Today's Herd StoryA Moment Of Silence
Poor Landon. We’ve made jokes all week about his talkative ways, but he decided to prove to us a moment of silence is possible. Of course, it happens to be sunrise and he might not be very awake yet. Or he’s giving Hu-Dad the glare. Don’t worry, he’ll tell us all about it.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: EEK!
Some photographs provide Hu-Dad an overwhelmingly number of possible captions. Frankie Suave caught in a rare moment of telling his younger brother to stop results in a shocked and dismayed face from the Boom Boom. Exactly what is being said? We challenge you, Dear Reader, in this week’s caption this.
Read Today's Herd StoryStill Talking
After our Monday Musing post showing Landon yammering away, many readers wanted to know if Boom Boom really talked often. Yes, the boy chatters about many things and tends to give us a play-by-play throughout the day. And, yes, Frankie Suave is ever patient even if Landon is still talking.
Read Today's Herd StoryGet Your Motors Running
You know it’s coming. The warning signs are obvious. You can see the energy building to the point of explosion. Anything in its path can get trampled. Zoomies are about to commence, so get your motors running.
Read Today's Herd StoryVacation Over
All good things must come to an end and that includes our camping trip last week down to James Island. We declared our vacation over and took one last walk around the lake before piling into the car and heading home. Roscoe says goodbye to the ducks and geese, though we’ll be back soon.
Read Today's Herd StoryPlayground Ahead
The park we camped in has three loop trails. One goes through a marsh area with some gorgeous views. Another circles a lake with lots of ducks and geese. And the third goes through a playground normally filled with kids. All are enticing to canine senses, so Typhoon and Roscoe are excited to be on the playground route.
Read Today's Herd Story