News / Blog Posts

Rabbit Distraction

March 23, 2021 |

Modeling sessions around Chez Herd are always challenging because the subject doesn’t want to cooperate. When a rabbit crosses the yard—the first rabbit since our return to Asheville—no model can be expected to look at the camera and smile. Yes, the challenges the Hu-Dad faces include a rabbit distraction.

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Don’t You Have Busyness To Do

March 21, 2021 |

Frankie Suave naps in his usual suave way, but is disturbed by the clicking of a camera. Why, he wonders, does the Hu-Dad have time to take photographs when he has busyness to do? For example, look at the tangle of cables under his desk. Let’s hop to it, Hu-Dad. Those moving boxes aren’t going to unpack themselves.

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Royal Rug Tester

March 20, 2021 |

The Hu-Dad’s busyness requires hours and hours and hours of staring at a computer screen as he struggles to string together coherent words into a story. While we would prefer ear and belly rubs, we can accept his lack of attention provided we are appropriately comfortable sprawled throughout his study. Our Royal Rug Tester has determined the new house provides an adequate level of napping potential, even if the pesky camera is still snapping photos.

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Boom Boom’s New Couch

March 19, 2021 |

During the evenings in Chez Herd, Landon can be found lounging on a couch. He’s quite pleased to discover that the new house also has a couch that is perfect for Siberian Husky comfort. If you want to find the Boom Boom, just look for his new couch—his personal new couch.

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Counter Inspection

March 18, 2021 |

Coming back from yesterday morning’s walk, Typhoon jumped into action and conducted a quick counter inspection of the new house despite being on a leash. Wouldn’t want those poor humans leaving behind crumbs and having to clean them up all by themselves. That’s our Little Prince—always taking one for the team.

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Too Close?

March 16, 2021 |

We’re back in Asheville at the new house. The humans busily unpacked boxes while we snoozervised (we’re really, really good at snoozervising). During our afternoon walk (and, no, walks do not get postponed just because of human busyness), Hu-Dad realized he needed a photo for today’s blog. Typhoon volunteered but kept trying to stick his nose on the camera lens. Hu-Dad kept saying, “Not too close,” but, well…you can see the result.

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CSI: Floof Squad

March 14, 2021 |

The evidence speaks for itself. A defloofing occurred. A brushing in the fur-st degree. A hair-raising crime. Don’t worry, though, because our best investigators comb through the evidence, no matter how gruesome, to pluck out the root of the dastardly deed. This week’s episode of CSI: Floof Squad. Warning—Contains graphic content and really tangled puns.

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How To Help With Work

March 13, 2021 |

We’re back in Murrells Inlet preparing for the big move to Asheville. The humans busied themselves packing boxes. Being working breed dogs, we appreciate the value of strenuous effort. Typhoon decided the best way he could help with work was to nap strenuously in the yard. Amazingly, Hu-Dad agreed that work productivity increased with Typhoon outside—rare meeting of Royal and human minds.

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Caption This: Royal Daydreams

March 12, 2021 |

His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey approves of the sunshine warming his fur and the soft grass tickling his belly. The new yard meets expectations, but his royal daydreams imply much more. Dear Reader, your task today is to complete the royal thought balloon floating over his head. What is our Little Prince thinking?

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Why Wait For A Little Fence?

March 11, 2021 |

During a mid-day stroll through the new backyard, Landon asks Frankie why the leashes are attached. Oh, sure, the fence hasn’t been installed yet, but if we promised to be really, really, really good and not stray off the property, the Boomster can’t see any reason to be tethered. Hu-Dad laughed and laughed at the suggestion. Something about get used to it. (Fence is about two months away. Sigh.)

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Backward Walking In Asheville

March 9, 2021 |

Alert readers noticed yesterday’s photo showed Typhoon doing something unusual—walking normally and forward. He appreciates your concern and wants you to know backward walking works in Asheville too. He demonstrated on a cool trippy-trapp walkway in our new neighborhood.

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Paw Spread

March 7, 2021 |

Typhoon claims to be a serious dog which is why his various comical positions are such great photographic fodder for the Hu-Dad. In this case, we’re amused with the wide paw spread of those front legs. P.S.—Ignore the Royal Scowl fired at the camera.

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