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Typhoon struggled with his modeling role on the trail today as Hu-Dad kept telling him, “Not too close to the camera!”
We’re back in Asheville at the new house. The humans busily unpacked boxes while we snoozervised (we’re really, really good at snoozervising). During our afternoon walk (and, no, walks do not get postponed just because of human busyness), Hu-Dad realized he needed a photo for today’s blog. Typhoon volunteered but kept trying to stick his nose on the camera lens. Hu-Dad kept saying, “Not too close,” but, well…you can see the result.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
it’s so weird.
it’s like Matt Dillon has come back to town. I tried to like the other place but it just wasn’t Home!
maybe the snoozervisors agree. wish I had your energy. 😀
I love the term snoozervising. Now I have a great way to describe my girl Ruby. I am getting tired going from SC to NC with you and the pups.
Hu-Dad-LOVE the term snoozervising!! Even though the Little Prince Typhoon Phooey is super close to the camera lens I can see he’s a happy boy. What dog wouldn’t be happy getting those long walks every day?