News / Blog Posts

Trial By Jury

July 3, 2021 |

The fence company let us know the gates have been delayed until after the holiday weekend, so it will be the middle of next week—at best—before our fence is complete and we can run free. We, of course, blame the Hu-Dad, so we held a trial by jury. The vote was unanimous for conviction. Typhoon’s disappointed look is never a surprise but even Roscoe fired off a narrowed-eye look of blame.

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Caption This: Clean Desk

July 2, 2021 |

Hu-Dad succeeded in turning in his latest novel to his editor (sort of on-time if you don’t count the delay because of moving back to Asheville), so he was able to clean his desk (some). Roscoe approves of the clean desk and has more to say. But what? Fridays are for the readers to supply the captions, so what did Roscoe say?

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Something Is Missing

July 1, 2021 |

After the shocking event of Monday, the fence installation team finished up their work yesterday. Well, sort of. They reported that a crucial item had been delayed—gates. We noticed right away that something is missing and, because of that, Hu-Dad still insists we wear our leashes in the backyard. We have paws crossed this week, but with the holiday weekend looming…

P.S.—Hu-Dad submitted his manuscript to his editor on Wednesday with about an hour to spare before the deadline. He claimed that makes him early.

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A Shocking Turn Of Events

June 29, 2021 |

Remember we told you the company that marked underground cables showed up at our house on Saturday? We had been told the fence company was coming to install the fence on Tuesday, but they showed up Monday instead. Then we had a shocking turn of events. This is a long one, so you are going to have to visit the website for today’s story.

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I Don’t Walk The Line

June 27, 2021 |

Our doorbell rang mid-day Saturday. A woman said she had been sent to mark underground cables because our fence will be installed next week. Hu-Dad thought it would be great to get a photo of Typhoon sitting on the painted line as background for this great news. Typhoon said he was no Johnny Cash—”I don’t walk the line.”

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Double Trouble Boys

June 26, 2021 |

Something has the attention of the double-trouble boys. The thick-as-thieves pals. The brothers-from-another-mother. Whatever you want to call them, there is rarely more than a very small space between the unlikely friends of Roscoe P. and His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey. When the two of them are as focused on something as they are in today’s photo, Hu-Dad buckles in for the ride.

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Caption This: Why Is He In My Photo?

June 25, 2021 |

Hu-Dad asked His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey to pose for a photo, but the Prince was upset his little brother Landon “Boom Boom” was in the background. We thought this was a perfect opportunity for our readers to “caption this” royal response. Oh, and yes those are tufts of fur in the yard. It’s officially molting season for huskies.

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Dear Deer

June 24, 2021 |

Dear Deer:

We thought something was in the yard during morning turnout yesterday, but we couldn’t find it. As soon as we went inside, you bolted and the security cameras caught your movement.

We wanted to let you know that hiding from us in plain sight by not moving is a violation of the canine-deer contract. Stop that.

Hu-Dad laughed so hard his sides hurt. You can’t hurt him. That’s our job.

The Thundering Herd

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Neighborhood Distraction

June 22, 2021 |

At some point in the middle of the day, we convince Hu-Dad to take a break from his busyness so we can go outside and enjoy some fresh air (and—some day—we might be able to enjoy the fence that has been delayed and delayed). We have some neighbors who sometimes take a break at the same time and they excitedly say hi. Hu-Dad says they are super nice doggies, but it’s a little neighborhood distraction when we’re supposed to be focused on getting tasks done.

Roscoe says he looks cute when distracted. Hu-Dad kept saying, “Focus. Focus.” but we think that was his camera he was talking to.

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Can’t Tell This Story

June 20, 2021 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has warned Hu-Dad he can’t tell this story, so… We’re getting to meet our new vet one by one. Hu-Dad warned them that the Little Prince was known for being less than cooperative. The Prince, of course, did everything to prove the Hu-Dad wrong. The vet techs reported that he was very helpful—no wrestling matches during the blood draw, didn’t resist the exam, stood still for vaccinations, voluntarily provided a stool sample. Uh, Hu-Dad asked, can you clarify that last one? The tech’s responsed, “It just popped out.” Royalty must keep everyone guessing.

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Take Two

June 19, 2021 |

Hu-Dad has worked hard to get Landon to be a good model for his photos. The other day, Boom Boom exhibited his usual Siberian cooperation which is translated into human as “Nope, not doing that.” Eager to get a photograph that worked, Hu-Dad attempted take two. This is Landon’s response. We’ll keep trying.

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Caption This: Wait A Minute

June 18, 2021 |

Hu-Dad asked Frankie if he wanted to go for a ride and Mr. Suave loves his car trips. Once we got moving, though, he realized his brothers had been left at home which can only mean one thing—the vet! Yes, he had to go for a booster shot and Hu-Dad may have neglected to explain the details of the plan. This photo is the exact moment Frankie said, “Wait a minute. I know where we’re going.” So, Dear Readers, since this is Caption This Friday, what did Frankie say next? Give it your best shot. And, uh, keep it clean. (P.S. – As always, Frankie handled the vet visit in his usual suave manner).

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