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Dear Readers: Can you Caption This moment when Frankie realized he was going to the vet, not the park?
Hu-Dad asked Frankie if he wanted to go for a ride and Mr. Suave loves his car trips. Once we got moving, though, he realized his brothers had been left at home which can only mean one thing—the vet! Yes, he had to go for a booster shot and Hu-Dad may have neglected to explain the details of the plan. This photo is the exact moment Frankie said, “Wait a minute. I know where we’re going.” So, Dear Readers, since this is Caption This Friday, what did Frankie say next? Give it your best shot. And, uh, keep it clean. (P.S. – As always, Frankie handled the vet visit in his usual suave manner).
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
You can fool me once, but I don’t think it will happen in the future!!
Frankie; “Well, all be darn, I fell for it again! At least there will be treats right hu-dad?”
What? Where are my bro’s?? Sneaky Hu-Dad
Extra ear scratches required as compensation!
Frankie’s face(especially the mouth)is the EXACT thing our boy does when he’s THINKING about something-especially the dreaded vet! I My thought is that Frankie is saying-“OH dear Hu-Dad REALLY TRICKED me into this car ride BUT I’ll forgive him(Maybe)”!!! I’m so glad that the vet visit went well though! Good job Mr Suave.
oh. the VET?
hahaha. the joke’s on You Hu Dad.
they LOVE me there. XO