News / Blog Posts

Game Face

September 7, 2021 |

Many of you, we’re sure, had to work this weekend despite the Labor Day holiday. Perhaps you’re in a profession that works holidays or live in country that doesn’t recognize the holiday this weekend. For those of you who did enjoy a long weekend, Frankie Suave has a message for you—it’s time to put your game face on and get back out there.

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A Musing Holiday

September 6, 2021 |

Today is Labor Day. A day of rest. Hu-Dad decided late yesterday to take a musing holiday. Something about last minute edits to the new novel, not enough time, and blah blah blah. This is a fancy way of saying no Monday Musing on his website today. Typhoon says if Hu-Dad isn’t working, then the Little Prince is going back to his nap. See you tomorrow. (P.S. – Have a Happy Labor Day and get some rest).

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Pointing To Buried Treasure

September 5, 2021 |

During yard time on Friday, Hu-Dad confiscated a filthy ball from Roscoe and wondered where it came from. A few minutes later, a second ball appeared in Roscoe’s mouth. A few more minutes and a third appeared. The people we bought the house from raised their five kids in it, so we’re always finding something interesting, but a baseball, tennis ball, and golf ball in one afternoon is a new record. Roscoe is so impressed with himself, he’s now pointing to buried treasure.

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Another CEO In Space

September 4, 2021 |

They’re all in the news as yet another CEO in space. Richard Branson. Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk. Don’t worry, though, Chief Entertainment Officer Landon Boom-Boom was launching himself long before they were, and he doesn’t even need a spaceship. Check out that form.

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Ready For A Long Weekend?

September 3, 2021 |

It’s Labor Weekend for our U.S. and Canadian readers, so many of you are relaxing for the next few days. Since we live in a tourist town, we’ll be hunkering down in the house and avoiding traffic, so no real difference for us. What about you? For this week’s Caption This Friday, Roscoe wants to know if you’re ready for a long weekend? Give us YOUR answer.

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Happy And You Know It

September 2, 2021 |

We feel for everyone in the direct path of Hurricane Ida. Considering their suffering, we hate to complain about a couple of days of rain from the storm here, but we were getting a wee bit stir crazy. When Landon discovered his afternoon trip to the yard didn’t involve rain, he was ecstatic. If you’re happy and you know it, run mad zoomies around the yard.

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Coming At You

August 31, 2021 |

As August is coming to a close, we’re having a stretch of fairly warm weather (80’s, which is hot for us). The youngsters might be fine hanging out in the yard for a bit, but senior Frankie Suave is clear about his goal. He’s out. Takes care of business. And then looks at Hu-Dad and says I’m coming at you. Let’s go back inside.

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Reporting In

August 29, 2021 |

Hu-Dad was hard at work at his desk when Roscoe P. and his bestest big brother His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey raced up to his desk with big grins on their faces. “What have you two been up to?” the Hu-Dad asked. “Nothing,” they said. “Absolutely nothing. We’re just reporting in.” Believe it or not, Hu-Dad suspected mischief had happened despite their denial. What do you think, Dear Readers?

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The Plume

August 28, 2021 |

Landon is known for many things. His bouncy style that led to his nickname, Boom Boom. Those piercing blue eyes. The happy-go-lucky attitude. And, of course, the plume—that ridiculously fluffy tail of his.

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Caption This: Serious Look

August 27, 2021 |

Roscoe P. is laser focused on something. What is causing this serious look? His bestest brother Typhoon? Landon’s fluffy tail? Frankie Suave’s orders? A squirrel? Come on, Dear Readers, give us your most entertaining guess in this week’s Caption This.

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Falling Into Autumn

August 26, 2021 |

We enjoyed yesterday afternoon’s walk. Chattering kids ambled home from school. Cloudy skies gave us cooler temperatures. A very light drizzle chilled things a touch more. A gentle breeze rustled the trees. Leaves fell on our path. Wait. What? Falling leaves? Well, yes, the trees weren’t as green as a week or two ago and leaves drifted to the ground. Something tells us we are falling into autumn.

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Illusion of Speed

August 24, 2021 |

As the senior member of The Herd, Frankie Suave does not believe in excessive speed, but he does understand the need to keep up appearances. With the proper high-stepping front paw and the straight-back tail, he creates the illusion of speed. He doesn’t care if the youngsters lap him while he walks through the yard.

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