News / Blog Posts
Caption This: Sunny Disposition
Just yesterday, we shared Roscoe’s pleading eyes to have Hu-Dad stop the rain. It must’ve worked, because we had a gorgeous, sunny day with cool temperatures and breezes—an absolutely siberiffic day. Even Typhoon was showing his sunny disposition, though we aren’t 100% sure what he is doing here. Come on, Dear Readers, it’s Friday and Caption This day, so give us your best interpretation of today’s photo.
Read Today's Herd StoryMake It Stop
We’ve had day after day of rainy weather. We squeeze our twice daily walks in between showers, not that we’ve always succeeded. Yes, we’ve had a couple of soggy walks. Roscoe has had enough. He pulled out the big guns, the weapon he knows will always get Hu-Dad to do whatever he wants. The sad eyes plead, “Make it stop.”
Read Today's Herd StoryRepetitive Name Calling
Landon is always the last to come into the house which seems to lead to Hu-Dad’s annoying habit of repetitive name calling. In this case, Hu-Dad called Landon’s name just often enough to get this look of “What???” Don’t worry, though, because Landon didn’t go inside. He just wanted Hu-Dad to be quiet.
Read Today's Herd StoryControlled Exit
We tend to bounce, jostle, and race when we move from point to point, so Hu-Dad was quite impressed with our controlled exit the other day. Landon led the way with an orderly line following. We were probably surprised Landon was leading rather than bouncing around the house.
Read Today's Herd StorySomething Smells Suspicious
Yesterday morning, Hu-Dad told us to nap while he left the house for a few hours. He pretended nothing exciting happened, but we think something smells suspicious. And when we say smells, we mean we caught the scent of some strange dogs. So, yes, we snatched his phone and looked for photos. Read today’s full post to see what we found.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Dear Landon
Dear Landon: Do you know it’s raining? And did you know it’s dark? And it’s bedtime? Everyone else is warm, snuggly, and dry. Hu-Dad really doesn’t want to go outside and get wet to get you. What do you say about coming inside the house? Dear Readers: What was Boom Boom’s response to such an innocent request? For Caption This Friday, go ahead and give us the best answer.
Read Today's Herd StoryStretching And Prepping
Mid-day break means some time in the yard and the inevitable wrestling matches. His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey is warming up for his match with bestest buddy Roscoe P. with some light stretching. (Some of you are trying to pluck that excess fur and Typhoon says stop it. Just stop it.)
Read Today's Herd StorySuave And Efficient
Frankie Suave is the steady influence on his brothers. He claims his spot under Hu-Dad’s desk during the day and on the foot of the human bed at night. No younger brother would think to challenge his right to either place. When outdoor time calls, Frankie goes straight out, handles business, and comes right back in. No sense in being away from the comforts of home any longer than necessary. Suave and efficient.
Read Today's Herd StorySaying Hi To A Deer Friend
During our afternoon walks, we see many others out enjoying the neighborhood greenway. The mornings, however, tend to be much quieter since we go earlier than many, particularly on the weekends. Imagine how quiet the neighborhood was then when we came around the corner and saw a deer friend. And, no, that wasn’t a misspelling.
Read Today's Herd StoryWe Pause To Remember
On this twentieth anniversary of a dark day, we pause to remember the innocent victims who were going about their normal lives when murderers took away their future. We pause to remember the heroes who raced into burning buildings, escorted people to safety, and fought to take a plane back from those intent on causing more harm. We pause to remember the brave men and women who volunteered to go overseas to prevent evil-doers from coming here. We pause to remember our allies who raced to our aid and support. We pause to remember the families left behind to pick up the pieces. Tomorrow, we’ll be back with our normal fun and games, but, today, we pause to remember.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: I’m Being Followed
We refer to Landon as the radar dog because he always seems to know when something or someone is on the trail behind us. And sometimes he turns and stares and yet the Hu-Dad can’t find anything at all (a short story about ghosts on the trail always floats through Hu-Dad’s head). So, of course, Hu-Dad’s caption to this photo is I’m being followed (probably by a fluffy tail), but do you have a better suggestion? Give us your best caption!
Read Today's Herd StoryAnnoying Flying Object
The Little Prince believes everything should yield to his wishes. In this case, his quiet yard time has been disturbed by an annoying flying object. Hu-Dad tried to point out that the helicopter was probably performing some important work, but Royalty doesn’t think anything is more important than his wishes.
Read Today's Herd Story