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Self-Cleaning Siberian Husky
As we mentioned yesterday, Landon lost his footing doing zoomies around our muddy backyard and skidded on his face. Concerned readers asked if he got a bath afterwards, but the short answer is no. Our Hu-Dad jokes that Sibes are cats in dog suits and one of those traits is that we are a self-cleaning Siberian Husky. The dirt dries, we shake it off, add a little tongue and paw cleaning, and we’re as good as new. Of course, the next question is how long will Landon stay clean.
Read Today's Herd StoryWatchtower Success
Boom Boom’s snow mountain has become a mud mountain, but he still prefers his perch on the top of the world. After all of the kidding he has endured for his altitude preference, he proudly reported a watchtower success by spying invaders on our property before his brothers sensed them. Now if only he could figure out what kind of big dogs they are. Click the link to see if you can help Landon out.
Read Today's Herd StoryResistance is Futile
The younger boys of The Herd are boisterous personalities, each in their own unique ways. Frankie Suave, however, is quieter in his style. Don’t confuse that reserved approach with a lack of clarity about his wants. When he turns his focus—and those big brown eyes—on the Hu-Dad, resistance is futile.
Read Today's Herd StoryMissing Snow Report
Landon has enjoyed his perch high above the yard during this week’s snowy weather, but a spell of warm temperatures and bright sunshine have caused a wee problem. The tarp covered dirt is waiting completion of our backyard project (which is on hold during the inclement weather), but Landon says it should stayed buried. (For more photos of Landon using his mountain, click the link)
Read Today's Herd StoryMust Have The Precious
With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien (whom the Hu-Dad read many years ago as a wee lad), the character of Gollum and his precious ring popped to mind as we watched Typhoon hoard his favorite possession from snowstorms—ice. He roots through the yard, breaks off chunks, and piles them to chew. We think the side-eye warning to stay away from his precious ice sums it up perfectly.
Read Today's Herd StorySnow Buddies
While the humans worked to clear the driveway of our estimated ten inches of snow, we played. And played. And played. And if you want to play in wintry weather, you need snow buddies like Roscoe and Typhoon. (Bonus photo on the website, so click the link to see Landon’s response to the Hu-Dad’s question).
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Case Of The Disappearing Yard
With predictions of an impending snowfall Sunday and cold temperatures for days resulting in a slow melt, our construction workers made a desperate effort to cover their work area. They need to start placing pavers, but that can’t be done in muddy conditions. Will it work? Who knows? But the tarps have created a slight challenge for us which we’ve labeled the case of the disappearing yard. P.S.—Our Hu-Dad reminds us that plenty of exposed yard exists for us, but we still like to gripe about this part.
Read Today's Herd StoryRoyal Outrage
After spending the last two winters living in Murrells Inlet SC where the chance of snow is minimal, we’ve been looking forward to a return to the white, fluffy stuff. We had a dusting just over a week ago, but it barely counted and our Little Prince is in a royal outrage. This week, the prognosticators thought we might get some Friday morning. We woke up, ran out to the yard, and found… nothing. Hu-Dad is muttering something about we are about to get our wishes, but we’re beginning to doubt him. (We are under a Winter Storm Warning for 6-10 inches here in Asheville and much more in the higher elevations around us).
Read Today's Herd StoryAlways One In A Family Portrait
A chance like this doesn’t present itself very often. Everyone together and behaving. No siblings poking at each other or instigating games. You whip out the phone, ask them to look at the camera, and take the photo before things fall apart. Only later do you discover the first rule—there is always one in a family portrait. (If you’ve ever wanted everyone’s name in a single shot, click the link for details).
Read Today's Herd StoryA Big Step Forward
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been through bulldozing and mountain building with dirt. Mostly, we’ve had lots and lots of fun with mud (though the humans seem less amused than us). Yesterday, though, we took a big step forward when the steps to our backdoor were delivered. They are a big improvement over the old wood ones, which were rotting anyway and needed replacing.
Read Today's Herd StoryBrave Dogs (Mostly)
Our ancestors were pulling sleds across the tundra of Siberia, dealing with harsh weather and constant danger. When we came across a fallen tree blocking our trail, the genetic material kicked into gear and we faced the obstacle as the brave dogs that we are. Well, three out of four of us did. Guess who balked? Click the link to find out.
Read Today's Herd StoryInfiltrator Among The Herd
Hu-Dad finds this funny. He chuckled all the way home. He’s laughing right now as he types. We don’t see how it’s funny at all, but we will let you be the judge. During our morning walk, an attempted infiltrator lurked just off the trail. The disguise was so good, so crafty, so devious that we were oblivious to the danger. Hu-Dad claims he captured this photo while we walked along our merry way just a few feet from this threat, but it can’t be true. We mighty hunters—cousins to wild wolves—would never miss something like this. Right?
Read Today's Herd Story