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The middle of our week brought sunshine and warm temperatures hammering Landon’s mountain, so he’s filling a missing snow report.
Landon has enjoyed his perch high above the yard during this week’s snowy weather, but a spell of warm temperatures and bright sunshine have caused a wee problem. The tarp covered dirt is waiting completion of our backyard project (which is on hold during the inclement weather), but Landon says it should stayed buried.
To give you an idea how much he enjoys his mountain, we’re sharing a couple bonus photos. The first is from earlier in the day before the snow really melted:
But nothing beats a snow-covered mountain during the middle of the storm. This, Boom Boom says, is how things should be.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
aha! I totally understand the previous ‘burying of the ice!’
so happy in their ‘natural’ habitat! XO
Oh Boom Boom-it’s a shame that SNOW DOGS like the Herd had to watch THEIR snow disappear!!!!
Did you tell him that it looks like more is on the way, so he doesn’t sulk. 😉
You wait so long for snow and then all of a sudden it is gone.. Ruby is glad it will be below freezing for over a week and her snow will not melt.
Maybe a few more storms will move in before winter is over.