News / Blog Posts
So Much Judgment
How to explain His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey? His antics constantly amuse us. Yesterday afternoon, a series of thunderstorms rolled through, so Hu-Dad postponed our afternoon walk for a half hour. That decision elicited the classic Little Curmudgeon response, complete with the stomping of feety-feet and the flopping of the body on the ground. You may not hear the dramatic sighs or the snorts of disgust, but the look should come through loud and clear. P.S. – Hu-Dad laughing and snapping photos probably didn’t help, but Ty never fails to entertain him.
Read Today's Herd StoryNo Move Goes Undetected
To keep a watchful on the humans and maintain sufficient napping time, the key is to find the ideal snoozervising spot. Landon hangs out on this rug which provides comfort in both softness and a close air-conditioning vent. When he pries open his eyes, he can see through the den and into the kitchen so no move goes undetected. Those blue eyes miss nothing.
Read Today's Herd StoryStop And Smell The Roses
When Hu-Dad snapped this photo, he thought of many potential stories. For example, he could question whether Typhoon or the rose was more prickly. But if even bad-to-the-bone Ty could stop and smell the roses, maybe that’s the better message. Or, perhaps, it’s what Hu-Dad said to Ty a second later: Just smell them. Don’t pee on them.
Read Today's Herd StoryEvery Step You Take
Unlike some of the past leaders of The Herd, Frankie Suave doesn’t spend time bossing the youngsters around or telling them what to do. As long as they leave him alone, they have free rein. To keep them in line, though, he reminds them in more subtle ways that he has what it takes. He goes on our twice-a-day walks and keeps pace, sometimes with a sideways glance to remind them—every step you take, I’ll take. They get the message.
Read Today's Herd StoryAround Every Corner
You may have noticed the new fireplace isn’t finished. Of course not, mumbles Hu-Dad, because now we’re waiting on the stone. Who wouldn’t want perpetual construction? But ignore grumpy Hu-Dad because we think it’s added yet another hiding place in the yard. Just remember, Dear Roscoe, around every corner might be a waiting bestest-brother-ever who wants to pounce.
Read Today's Herd StoryRoyal Judgment
Hu-Dad displeased His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey. We don’t know what he did or why he deserves the royal judgment, but the look of shock and horror on Ty’s face says all we care to know.
Read Today's Herd StoryHere Comes Trouble
The crew working on the fireplace left. Hu-Dad settled in a chair with a glass of wine and a good book. What could possible go wrong in the peace and quiet of the backyard? Then the door opens. Here comes trouble—in the form of the Trouble Brothers—His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey and his ever-present shadow, Roscoe P.
Read Today's Herd StoryAn Unexpected Event
Hu-Dad said he needed photographic evidence to prove this unexpected event. Things like this just don’t happen with Siberian Huskies. And yet… yet… Hu-Dad said, “Come here.” Roscoe did. Shock! (And notice Typhoon on the side ignoring everything.)
Read Today's Herd StoryFireplace Inspection
We’re so excited because the crew showed up yesterday to work on the next-to-last part of our pavilion project—the installation of the fireplace just in time for summer! Once this is complete, the paint crew will apply stain to the pavilion and the fence to protect it against the weather. Roscoe and Typhoon are hard at work on fireplace inspection to identify who left paw prints in the mortar mix. Hope they solve that mystery soon. (P.S. – Click the link to read a funny side story on the blog.)
Read Today's Herd StoryWhy Are We Inside?
The long morning walk was hours before. The mid-day yard time has come and gone. Now we are waiting on the long afternoon walk, but Hu-Dad is consumed in his busyness. On this beautiful spring day, Roscoe’s look asks the question we all wonder, “Why are we inside?”
Read Today's Herd StoryFeel The Eyes
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has so many problems. The Hu-Dad, of course, is taking photos and disturbing his nap, but a bigger issue looms. His bestest buddy ever, Roscoe P., waits for the nap to be over so wrestling can began. He’s patient, but he’s there. Can you feel the eyes, Typhoon?
Read Today's Herd StoryBut We Are Behaving
Hu-Dad has so many funny rules in his office so he can do his busyness. For example, we can’t sleep in his chair (ahem, Frankie), stand on his desk (yeah, Typhoon), or crash into Hu-Dad while doing zoomies (Roscoe). This may be hard to believe, but we shouldn’t chew on his toes either (Landon needs reminders of that one). So when Hu-Dad asked why the Trouble Brothers were wrestling, Typhoon and Roscoe said, “But we are wrestling quietly and—for us—that means we are behaving.”
Read Today's Herd Story