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Despite the growing summer heat and our long walks, Franke Suave has a message for the youngsters—every step you take, I’ll keep up.
Unlike some of the past leaders of The Herd, Frankie Suave doesn’t spend time bossing the youngsters around or telling them what to do. As long as they leave him alone, they have free rein. To keep them in line, though, he reminds them in more subtle ways that he has what it takes. He goes on our twice-a-day walks and keeps pace, sometimes with a sideways glance to remind them—every step you take, I’ll take. They get the message.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Sweet, sweet boy and what a trooper.
Sweet Frankie! Keeping the kids in line with Grace & sophistication!
Love that Frankie Suave-Every step you take-I’ll be watching you-lol. He has a very quiet way of keeping the younger ones in line!