News / Blog Posts
Teaching the Hu-dad to Share
Fans of our Facebook page saw the beginning of this story, but we wanted to show you the whole picture story of Cheoah teaching the hu-dad to share the chaise lounge. She is a very persistent instructor.
Read Today's Herd StorySleeping Arrangements
Typhoon, the ever confident pup, is always negotiating the sleeping arrangements in the house. Let’s see how that is working out.
Read Today's Herd StoryStalking Your Prey
It is the weekend and we hope you are all seeking out your favorite fun. For Cheoah (aka Cheesewhiz), stalking her prey can be the most fun. And in case you are curious, her prey is usually a little black and white pup named Typhoon. ***** ***** ***** *****…
Read Today's Herd StoryWhat Is Out of Place?
Today, we are going to play a game. Study the picture carefully and tell us what is out of place. Ready?
Read Today's Herd StoryHiding in the Tall Grass
Kiska takes her job as head of security very seriously. And, of course, sometimes hiding in the tall grass is the best way to survey the scene.
Read Today's Herd StorySarge’s Downtown Dog Walk Video 2013
The hu-dad has finally edited his Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation Eighth Annual Downtown Dog Walk Video 2013. Sit back. Relax. And enjoy.
Read Today's Herd StoryRuby Tuesday – Hanging with the Cousins
We promise that we do have a video of this past weekend’s Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation Eighth Annual Downtown Dog Walk. Hu-dad just keeps saying that his busyness interferes with our blog. Would someone please tell him to get his priorities straight? In the meantime, we wanted to let you know that our cousins –…
Read Today's Herd StoryLeaping Into a New Week
When you are a pup, everything is exciting – even leaping into a new week. Typhoon demonstrates one of The Herd’s new favorite games – using the Tree of Life not just as a rally point, but as a throughway. Since the tree is split, they can sit inside the tree for a great vantage point…
Read Today's Herd StorySleepy Summer Sunday
We went down into town for the big Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation Eighth Annual Downtown Dog Walk yesterday. Lots of fun, excitement, and heat. So when we got back to the house where the temperatures are much more our style (yesterday’s high was 70F (21C)), we were all just a little sleepy. Guess that makes…
Read Today's Herd StoryWhich Way Did She Go?
Those of you who follow our Facebook Page know that we had a little furry visitor yesterday. While we were out romping and playing in the yard, a coyote was laying in the field just outside of Sibe Quentin and watching us play. The hu-dad tried to capture a picture, but totally blew the auto-focus:…
Read Today's Herd StorySarge’s 8th Annual Downtown Dog Walk
Long time readers know how passionate we are about our local all-breed rescue, Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation. In 2012, they found homes for 233 cats and 394 dogs. In addition, they transported an additional 292 animals to the Northeastern US no-kill shelters. That is 919 dogs and cats whose lives were saved in 2012 alone…
Read Today's Herd StoryMonitoring Movement
We love our yard, but sometimes you have to find out what the humans are doing inside the house. Typhoon demonstrates monitoring movement inside.
Read Today's Herd Story