News / Blog Posts

Hanging out in the campsite

Our RV Season Has Begun

September 18, 2015 |

Most people think of RV season as spring through fall, but we are Siberian Huskies and summer heat is no fun. So, our RV season has begun as fall begins to creep into the air. And we are off on our first RV adventure of the season! We are at Cedars of Lebanon State Park…

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Kiska embracing her supermodel moments and smiling for the camera

Supermodel Moments

September 17, 2015 |

As our readers well know, Hu-Dad is always taking photographs of us. And some of us are quite good at taking advantage of those supermodel moments. Yes, yes, Kiska loves mugging for the camera and showing off all of that fur. Like any good model, she is willing to work hard to give that right…

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Guess Who Is The Clown On A Hike

September 16, 2015 |

When we say that someone was a clown on our hike yesterday, we bet everyone has a guess who. We also suspect that most of you will guess incorrectly. Go ahead. Right now. Think of a name. Don’t cheat. First of all, we should explain that we don’t normally do long hikes during the week.…

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What a perfect day

Cold Start, Warm Finish

September 15, 2015 |

Fall is doing its best to take over our weather here with some cool days and cold mornings. Our highs were in the mid 50’s Sunday and just crossed into the 60’s on Monday, but the mornings were the real story with a little frost scattered in some areas. The cold start to the day…

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Kiska is looking quite relaxed post-walk.

Better Than A Tired Sibe

September 14, 2015 |

Siberian Husky owners learn a saying, “A Tired Sibe is a Good Sibe.” Because of their working breed history, Siberians need to have a constructive way to burn off that energy, or they will find a destructive way. And, yes, this translates to most active, working breeds who have energy that needs to be burned. Sometimes,…

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Saturday stroll

Duplicate Photos

September 13, 2015 |

Hu-Dad has taken tens of thousands of photographs of us over the years (a couple of them even somewhat good), but he says he has lots of duplicate photos, too. Of course, sometimes, they aren’t really duplicates, but just look that way. Yesterday, for example, was a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp and…

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Wake us when it gets hear

Resting Up For The Weekend

September 12, 2015 |

Our weather is supposed to take a decidedly fall-like turn this weekend with even the possibility of frost in our forecast. Since that is perfect for lots of hiking and Siberian games, we are resting up for the weekend. The leaves are slowly starting to change (the maples and ash leading the way), so our…

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September 11

September 11 – Never Forget

September 11, 2015 |

The date. September 11. Every year, when I see the date looming on my calendar, I am taken back to that horrible day 14 years ago. Like virtually every one of you, I will never forget exactly where I was and what I was doing – a conference room on the 20th floor of a…

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Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic

Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic

September 10, 2015 |

We don’t watch a lot of TV around Chez Herd, but Hu-Dad is quite the movie fan. We often spread out on the couches and watch a film after dinner. And that leads us to Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic. Cheoah always choose a prime spot on the couches to watch whatever movie is playing. Her…

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more of Q

Blowing Coat – The Movie

September 9, 2015 |

The other day, we posted about our Air Force Commander 2-Speed Dryer and how we speed up blowing coat. We received a ton of feedback about that post, so decided to revisit the subject again today. To boil the questions down, people wanted to know if the machine really worked and if The Herd likes…

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did someone say rabbit?

Best Office Chair

September 8, 2015 |

No, no, we are not going to compare different makes and models of office chairs. We are only concerned about the best office chair in the Hu-Dad’s study . . . and that is an easy choice. Hu-Dad’s reading chair in his study is the prize position. Oh, sure, as Frankie demonstrates, the chair is…

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Ruby supervising the grilling of pork chops

Surprise Visitors

September 7, 2015 |

With the title of today’s post, you would think that we had some surprise visitors at Chez Herd. But, no, the Hu-Dad went across the valley to our cousins house last night to visit with Tartok and Ruby (ok, and the Hu-Grandmom). While he does visit there some, rarely does that happen on Sunday. But…

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