Duplicate Photos

Hu-Dad has taken tens of thousands of photographs of us over the years (a couple of them even somewhat good), but he says he has lots of duplicate photos, too. Of course, sometimes, they aren’t really duplicates, but just look that way.

Saturday stroll

Out for a Saturday stroll.

Yesterday, for example, was a beautiful fall day. The air was crisp and cool – a perfect day for hiking. So Hu-Dad took lots of photographs while we were hiking. When we returned home and he downloaded them, he said the view never changed.

duplicate photos

Sure looked like one of many duplicate photos to him.

Ok, maybe his view didn’t change much during our hike, but we did point out that there were some differences.

trail narrowed

The trail narrowed and we had to go 3 by 3.


  1. Melon on September 18, 2015 at 4:03 am

    I like how they all hold their tails differently. I think it must be great to have a pack – I mean, herd – so you can notice differences. Compare and contrast, if you will!

  2. Golden Daily Scoop on September 13, 2015 at 8:39 am

    Great view! 🙂

  3. Lori on September 13, 2015 at 7:46 am

    I always always always love the view!!! ❤️? Love those Husky butts,,,❤️?

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