Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic

We don’t watch a lot of TV around Chez Herd, but Hu-Dad is quite the movie fan. We often spread out on the couches and watch a film after dinner. And that leads us to Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic.

Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic

Cheesewhiz the Movie Critic

Cheoah always choose a prime spot on the couches to watch whatever movie is playing. Her level of interest depends on what is happening in the movie.

Cheesewhiz the movie critic

Interesting scene

In the scene she was watching above, two dogs were critical characters. She totally approves of any movies with canine actors.

who writes these scripts

Who writes these scripts?

Apparently, the dogs’ lines were all wrong and Cheoah expressed her displeasure at the barks.

come on.

Oh, come on.

The action sequences became increasingly unbelievable (and the dogs failed to keep reappearing), so Cheoah was clearly loosing interest. As always, that leads to her ultimate expression of disinterest in a movie.

Four paws up

Four paws up is NOT a sign of approval.


  1. jan on September 10, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    Four paws up seems to mean two thumbs down.

  2. Lori on September 10, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    Awww Cheoah I’d watch a movie with you any day???

  3. The Painter Pack on September 10, 2015 at 7:49 am

    We also enjoy watching some Netflix or a good movie! We especially enjoy it when it involves dogs saving the day! Which of course, they always do! Good Job on the review, Cheoah!!

    The Painter Pack

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