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Daily family walk.

Wondering About Hu-Dad’s Motives

March 16, 2016 |

We have been wondering about Hu-Dad’s motives behind a certain daily activity, and were wondering if our readers might help enlighten us. Every day, we have a nice long family walk. We have several possible routes from the house. Down a horse trail to connect to another road which circles back to our road. Through…

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Q and QNTE handing a duet.

Morning Choir Practice

March 15, 2016 |

Thanks to some human invention called Daylight Saving Time, we were awake early, but we still had our morning choir practice. Once a year, Hu-Dad plays a mean trick and enters something called Daylight Saving Time where we have to get up an hour earlier. He seems to take great delight in waking us up,…

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Chief of Security monitoring events inside Sibe Quentin.

Security Detail

March 14, 2016 |

Like any great world leader, Queen Natasha the Evil has a strong and alert security detail who is always watching and ready to spring into action. And what exactly is Chief of Security Kiska watching so closely? Why, the Queen of Evil herself, Natasha, as she conducts a security check of Sibe Quentin. The Queen…

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Just think of me as a big white fluffy polar bear.

Lazy Weekend

March 13, 2016 |

Hu-Dad was running the tractor, clearing brush, and picking up limbs blown down by winter storms. Sounds like a perfect lazy weekend for us. Wait. Did you think we started off talking about lots of work? Hu-Dad noticed that the wild black berry vines are already growing. The bears really love those vines come mid-summer…

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Oh, so I should be more like this.

Proper Outdoor Etiquette

March 12, 2016 |

The season may be early, but we are having beautiful spring day after spring day. For some odd reason, Hu-Dad reminded us of proper outdoor etiquette. Hu-Dad looked out the kitchen window and noticed that Typhoon was snoozing away, Sunny Sibe Up. Uh, Typhoon, do you really think that is appropriate for outdoor snoozing? Yes,…

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That's a stretch, Hu-Dad.

Film Friday – Senior Sentry Cinema

March 11, 2016 |

Woo! A video two weeks in a row. We guess that makes “Film Friday” a tradition just like “Senior Sentry Cinema” is kind of an alliteration! Yes, yes, Qannik, we are sure that doing something two weeks in a row doesn’t make it a tradition. Still, we did get lots of requests to show the…

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Out for a family walk.

Why We Are Never Normal

March 10, 2016 |

Even when we try to do something routine like take an evening walk, we have to be different. So can someone explain why we are never normal? Our spring weather is continuing and it has been absolutely beautiful. Hu-Dad spent much of the day on his computer or on the phone (that busyness is always busy),…

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Look across the field.

Working Outside

March 9, 2016 |

Another warm, spring like day and Hu-Dad moved his office onto the deck and was working outside – which amused the Senior Team. Our next door neighbors, Cataloochee Ski, was having a glorious spring ski day despite the 65ºF high. Waiting to see the snow boarders in shorts and t-shirts! While Qannik was watching the…

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Why are you disturbing me?

March Weather Is Weird

March 8, 2016 |

March weather is weird. Yesterday morning, we woke up to fresh snow on the ground. Today, Mother Nature shouted that spring has sprung. Frankie took advantage of the spring-like weather to re-establish his rabbit lookout post. The wildlife held a little less interest for others who thought the warm weather was perfect for napping. The…

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We just want to get to the porch without an attack.

The Coast Is Clear . . . I Think

March 7, 2016 |

When trying to cross enemy territory, it is very important to verify that the coast is clear before you begin your treacherous journey. You may wonder what possible threat lurks within the walls of Sibe Quentin, a threat so nefarious that Frankie and Cheoah have to plan their journey. Sweet little Typhoon could not possibly…

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Maybe if I spread my paws further.

Red Ruby Smiles

March 6, 2016 |

Time for Hu-Dad to travel across the valley and have dinner with the Hu-Grandmom and our cousins Ruby and Tartok, so we share some Red Ruby smiles. One of Ruby’s favorite games is the paw touch game. The rules are simple. Hu-Dad tries to touch a paw. Any paw. And if he touches a paw,…

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The need for speed

Running From Trouble

March 5, 2016 |

The start of the weekend, so games are being played within Sibe Quentin. And some of us are running from trouble – or chasing trouble. A certain young pup loves to pick and pick and pick until he has exceeded the tolerance level of his pack . . . and then he finds himself being…

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