March Weather Is Weird

March weather is weird. Yesterday morning, we woke up to fresh snow on the ground. Today, Mother Nature shouted that spring has sprung.

Where are the rabbits? I know there are rabbits.

Where are the rabbits? I know there are rabbits.

Frankie took advantage of the spring-like weather to re-establish his rabbit lookout post. The wildlife held a little less interest for others who thought the warm weather was perfect for napping.

Why are you disturbing me?

Why are you disturbing me?

The weather was not quite warm enough for the Hu-Dad to abandon his indoor office and set up work on the back deck, so others wanted their winter routines to remain.

It is time for me to come in so you can let me out.

It is time for me to come in so you can let me out.

Our weather forecast for the next week or so is sure to give us all spring fever – and probably to stir Mother Nature into early blooms. We know it is too early, though, and Old Man Winter is bound to give us another fit or two or five before it is all over.


  1. Melon on March 9, 2016 at 9:52 pm

    Huge props to your Hu-dad – looking after ONE dog at a time is teaching me what incredible patience and skill he must have to keep track of six dogs at once – some of whom want to chase rabbits, others nap, and I’m guessing ALL of them want in – and then out!

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on March 8, 2016 at 4:05 am

    Mom sez: I loved Natasha’s comment about letting her in so you can let her out. That is Ice’s favourite game. I’m glad he’s not the only one. Oh well, I guess at their ages, it’s allowed. Ice will be 14 on June 21st, the Longest Day, so I guess a few “foibles” are allowed. I don’t recall how old ‘Tasha is, but if I remember correctly, she’s “up there”, too!

    • The Thundering Herd on March 8, 2016 at 6:48 am

      She will be 13 in June, but she has practiced “foibles” since she was a young pup.

    • Lori on March 8, 2016 at 8:32 am

      I loved Natasha’s comment too! I remember those days of let the dogs out, let the dogs in, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, etc. etc. etc. (BTW I miss those days very much) ?❤️

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