Running From Trouble

The start of the weekend, so games are being played within Sibe Quentin. And some of us are running from trouble – or chasing trouble.

Amazingly, Typhoon finds himself in trouble with Cheoah . . . again.

Amazingly, Typhoon finds himself in trouble with Cheoah . . . again.

A certain young pup loves to pick and pick and pick until he has exceeded the tolerance level of his pack . . . and then he finds himself being chased across the yard.

The need for speed

The need for speed.

It really doesn’t matter how often he finds himself in trouble or running for his own safety, he always seems to enjoy getting into trouble like any good delinquent. After all, is this the face of remorse?

Kicking it into high gear.

Kicking it into high gear.

Fair enough. The pursuer looks like she might be having fun as well!


  1. Dennis the Vizsla on March 6, 2016 at 10:40 pm

    hello typhoon its dennis the vizsla dog hay ketch me if yoo kan is a grate game to play!!! espeshly if they kant!!! ha ha ok bye

  2. Lori on March 5, 2016 at 8:50 am

    There seems to be a good bit of smiling going on in that chase???

  3. Koda, Hazel and Sue on March 5, 2016 at 7:33 am

    Like any big / little sibling chase, the usual “you can’t catch me” and “oh yeah you better run because when I catch you” smiles.

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