News / Blog Posts

And what about the kibble?

Playing With Our Food

May 15, 2016 |

What do green beans and kibble have in common? They are two examples of us playing with our food. Queen Natasha is currently suffering through the green bean diet. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that diet, the amount of kibble is reduced by 1/4 to 1/2 and an equal quantity of green…

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So is everyone with the plan?

Thinking Of Something Fun

May 14, 2016 |

When you see Typhoon’s mind racing, you know he is thinking of something fun – and that usually means some sort of chaos is about to happen. Friday afternoon was peaceful and quiet. If this was a great film noir, the next line would be . . . it was too quiet. Well, that is…

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Queen Natasha in the campsite.

Hanging Out In A Campsite

May 13, 2016 |

To us, there is nothing quite as nice as hanging out in a campsite as the sun is setting – such as last weekend at Big Ridge State Park. The humans were sitting around the picnic table gabbing away, as humans often do, and we were just enjoying the peace and serenity of an RV…

Read Today's Herd Story
Am I going to have to yell at you again, Hu-Dad?

You’re Doing It Wrong

May 12, 2016 |

Queen Natasha the Evil is adamant that she runs a very tight Herd with every member obeying, though she often tells the Hu-Dad, “You’re doing it wrong.” As long-time readers know, Queen Natasha is a cancer survivor, an arthritis patient, and a TPLO recipient. With her 13th birthday approaching in a month, she has a…

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Nothing says "farm fresh" quite like dirt.

Champion Eater

May 11, 2016 |

Yesterday, we profiled our most challenging dog with food, Typhoon. Today, we should talk about our champion eater, Qannik! With Typhoon, we are always challenged with what he will eat today. Sometimes, the most delicious item yesterday suddenly holds absolutely no appeal today. Qannik, however, will eat anything. And we really do mean anything. In…

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You expect predictability?

Typhoon Taste Trials

May 10, 2016 |

The Typhoon Taste Trials continue as we attempt to find a permanent combination of food that he will consistently eat meal after meal. Those of you who have been reading for a while know that Typhoon really struggled with finding food that he liked. He would turn his nose up at meal after meal. Now,…

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Chief of Security supporting the Queen

Reclaiming Sibe Quentin

May 9, 2016 |

We might have been gone for only a couple of days, but we have to be adamant about reclaiming Sibe Quentin upon our return home. Every square inch of the yard must be sniffed, explored, and verified (not to mentioned, marked) in order to communicate to all of the wild beasts of our “neighborhood” that…

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Cheoah demonstrating how to relax.

Campsite Relaxation

May 8, 2016 |

Since we are regular RVing canines, we are quite proficient at many camping skills – including a great ability for campsite relaxation. We work hard to behave when we are camping, so we take lots of walks. Somehow, those long walks certainly help with our ability to nap out on our picket line in the…

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A full Herd - with cousins - on the picket line.

Quick RV Weekend Trip

May 7, 2016 |

After a week of cold and even wintry weather, we decided to take a quick RV Weekend Trip over the mountain to Big Ridge State Park. Yes, notice that the humans are gathering in front of OUR S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle) for a dinner of grilled chicken. Would you like to know our opinion of…

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Doing our best serious face.

May Snow Day

May 6, 2016 |

Living in the mountains, the weather is always unpredictable, so nothing like a little May Snow Day to bring some excitement to Chez Herd. Yes, we said snow. When we tell people we live in North Carolina, people unfamiliar with our state assume we are hot and snowless. But the mountain region of the state…

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Family sunshine time

Enjoying Sunshine

May 5, 2016 |

While we Siberian Huskies are fans of winter weather, we also can often be found enjoying sunshine on particularly cold spring days. The calendar might say May, but we can still have some fairly cool days up here on our mountain. In fact, we are even supposed to have some snow showers overnight, though nothing…

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Reading With Qannik

May 4, 2016 |

Each member of The Herd has one-on-one time with the Hu-Dad. One of those daily moments is reading with Qannik where the Q shares a couch and a book. The reading couch is in the bedroom and is a perfect spot for a human and canine to curl up and get lost in a story.…

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