May Snow Day

Living in the mountains, the weather is always unpredictable, so nothing like a little May Snow Day to bring some excitement to Chez Herd.

Snow? Really?

Snow? Really?

Yes, we said snow. When we tell people we live in North Carolina, people unfamiliar with our state assume we are hot and snowless. But the mountain region of the state has the highest mountain peaks east of the Mississippi River and very unpredictable weather. Nearby Mount Mitchell, the highest point on the east coast, has had measurable snow fall all twelve months of the year. And we have not seen above 80ºF (26ºC) in a couple of years.

What beautiful weather!

What beautiful weather!

Our temperatures hovered just above freezing yesterday and Mother Nature provided us with a series of snow showers throughout the day. The snow never threatened to accumulate, though there were a few brief periods during the day when our yard turned white. Still, we enjoyed the late season flurries.

Doing our best serious face.

Doing our best serious face.

It was a perfectly spectacular Siberian Husky day and we sat out in the falling snow as much as possible. Too bad it only stuck to our coats.

This is awesome.

This is awesome.

So we present this week’s Film Friday episode – May Snow Day. Hope you enjoy it.


  1. carolyn on May 6, 2016 at 11:13 am

    Fingers itch to pluck Typhoon and Cheoah lol…. Lovely!

    I can’t imagine life with weather like that – that doesn’t get over 80? We are already hitting the time when I have to start explaining to Shelby she can no longer stay outside all day while I am at work. Sigh. She does not like to listen.

  2. Zoe on May 6, 2016 at 9:08 am

    Amazing truly wonderful
    I have a question
    Do the Seniors enjoy the snow as much as the juniors
    I saw her royal highness in the beginning but with
    The aches and pains of age I was just wondering if she opts for the indoors more
    As always thank you for sharing the tribe with us
    This makes my day …every day

  3. Lori on May 6, 2016 at 8:52 am

    Aw geez I love envy one of you beautiful Sibes ❤️

  4. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on May 6, 2016 at 3:30 am

    Ice ‘n Ebby want to know, “with Typhoon, what is this word BEHAVE?”

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