Champion Eater

Yesterday, we profiled our most challenging dog with food, Typhoon. Today, we should talk about our champion eater, Qannik!

Me! Me! Me! We are going to talk about me!

Me! Me! Me! We are going to talk about me!

With Typhoon, we are always challenged with what he will eat today. Sometimes, the most delicious item yesterday suddenly holds absolutely no appeal today.

Qannik, however, will eat anything. And we really do mean anything. In addition to any type of dog food – kibble, canned, freeze-dried – Qannik will eat things most people or other dogs don’t consider food. Like, say, dirt.

Nothing says "farm fresh" quite like dirt.

Nothing says “farm fresh” quite like dirt.

Dirt, grass, leaves, flowers – yes all plant related things are tasty. And so are unusual things like dog hair, paper, cardboard. Which probably goes a long way to explain why Qannik is so often on the green bean diet.

Do I get a treat?

Do I get a treat?

Oh, yes, and he loves treats. Hu-Dad is not even sure he questions what the treat is – he just consumes whatever is offered. And beware of fingers when offering treats.

So, yes, Typhoon might be a very picky eater, but Q-Tip sure balances the scales (a little diet joke there for our perpetual cotton ball of diets).

Call me anything you want. Just don't call me late for dinner.

Call me anything you want. Just don’t call me late for dinner.


  1. Susan McManus on May 11, 2016 at 10:09 am

    I would just love to snuggle with Qannik. He is adorable.

  2. Shari on May 11, 2016 at 9:30 am

    That’s why there’s so much to love!

  3. KJ Pierson on May 11, 2016 at 7:44 am

    Leena is much the same way. Everyone complains to me about how their pups, husky and/or , never want to take their medicine. With her its little more than either handing it straight over or telling her to sit and them take it gently.

  4. Kara on May 11, 2016 at 7:43 am

    Our boy is the same way and will do just about anything for food. We know he doesn’t like green olives (one fell on the floor) but everything else is fair game in his mind.

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