News / Blog Posts

No worries, Hu-Dad, the table is clean now.

Cheoah Buttering Up The Hu-Dad

February 15, 2017 |

Cheoah implemented her own special version of buttering up the Hu-Dad. You might be shocked to discover that her interpretation is slightly different. The humans had enjoyed a quiet, uneventful dinner. The table was being cleared and dishes washed. Cheoah, as usual, was carefully supervising the cleanup efforts, perfectly willing to contribute by cleaning any…

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Is that Hu-Dad sitting there all alone?

Tracking Inbound Flights – Look Out!

February 14, 2017 |

Hu-Dad spent a quiet, peaceful evening sitting on the back deck, camera in hand and shooting pictures. He should have been tracking inbound flights. As Hu-Dad was aiming his camera, he focused on Boom Boom. Unfortunately, at the exact same moment, Boom Boom focused on Hu-Dad. Hu-Dad, sitting all alone. No dog vying for attention.…

Read Today's Herd Story
Just welcoming guests to our dinner table, Hu-Dad.

Welcoming Guests To Chez Herd

February 13, 2017 |

We all considered ourselves to be excellent hosts welcoming guests to Chez Herd, though Hu-Dad seems to have a slightly different opinion. Hu-Grandmom joined us for dinner at Chez Herd last night. Hu-Dad made his chicken enchiladas, but the delicious smell had nothing to do with Cheoah’s desire to be an excellent hostess at the…

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Are you aiming that camera in my direction?

Typhoon’s Puparrazi Approach

February 12, 2017 |

Yesterday, Cheoah demonstrated her challenge of living with a photographer. Today, Typhoon demonstrates his puparrazi approach. Each of us has our own individual approach dealing with the human photographer who follows us everywhere. Typhoon, whose antics attract frequent camera attention, has his own personal approach. You may think that simply ignoring the Hu-Dad is not…

Read Today's Herd Story
What do you want, Hu-Dad?

Unflattering Puparazzi Photographs

February 11, 2017 |

Every day, Hu-Dad takes his camera to capture images for our blog. Unfortunately, sometimes we are subjected to unflattering puparazzi photographs. Yesterday, for example, Cheoah had just completed an exhausting session of sunbeam chasing in the dining room. For those of you unfamiliar with sunbeam chasing, Cheoah started out on one end of the dining…

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Search For Winter

The Search For Winter – An Action Hero Film

February 10, 2017 |

Our intrepid action hero, Typhoon Phooey, sets out on an epic adventure in a riveting search for winter in this week’s Film Friday. Wednesday afternoon was warm and sunny. Wednesday night brought thunderstorms and plummeting temperatures. Sunrise was obscured by snow and 50 mph+ winds. Thursday was frigid, but very little snow on the ground.…

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Uh, Typhoon, what are you doing?

Inquiring Minds Really Don’t Want To Know

February 9, 2017 |

The old advertising slogan of “inquiring minds want to know” is not necessarily true with lots of dogs in a household. So don’t ask. Hu-Dad glanced out the window yesterday and saw Typhoon digging little holes in the yard and sticking his head inside the hole. What possible purpose does that serve? Unfortunately, Hu-Dad did…

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The Bigger Stick War Just Escalated

February 8, 2017 |

The other day, Qannik and Typhoon showed off the big stick they found. Boom Boom responds and the bigger stick war just escalated. Yesterday was one of those windy, gusty days that happens often on the top of our mountain. Our Tree of Life shed several branches including one somewhat sizeable one. Landon immediately claimed…

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Chief of Security Kiska - promises to wake if a threat occurs.

Our Lazy Ways On Lazy Days

February 7, 2017 |

Hu-Dad says we have one primary job – do something interesting every day in order to make his blog posts interesting and funny. Yesterday, though, we were fully into our lazy ways. We blame it on the weather. Sunday morning we woke up to a coating of ice on everything. Yesterday was sunny with a…

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Wow, what a perfect little stick.

This Stick Is Not Big Enough For The Two Of Us

February 6, 2017 |

Typhoon thought he found the perfect stick on our evening walk, but he did not want to share – claiming it was not big enough for two of us. Unfortunately, he was not alone in the discovery. A certain large white fluffy dog had his eye on the treasure as well. So who would win…

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Look at those crazy, young whippersnappers.

Watching The Young Whippersnappers

February 5, 2017 |

The Seniors, Kiska and Qannik, enjoy the peace and quiet of the senior yard while keeping a close eye on the young whippersnappers of the Juniors. Our senior team has always thought that one of the best design features of our house is the divided back yard with a senior zone and a junior zone.…

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The stalking machine.

Boom Boom, The Stalking Machine

February 4, 2017 |

Today, we have a series of photographs of Boom Boom as a stalking machine. But what was he stalking? And what was the result? We do our absolute best to keep the Hu-Dad guessing every day as to what game we are playing and what exactly is happening within the walls of Sibe Quentin. Such…

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