Our Lazy Ways On Lazy Days

Hu-Dad says we have one primary job – do something interesting every day in order to make his blog posts interesting and funny. Yesterday, though, we were fully into our lazy ways.

We blame it on the weather. Sunday morning we woke up to a coating of ice on everything. Yesterday was sunny with a high of 60ºF (16ºC). We can’t figure out what season of the year it is.

So Hu-Dad wanders around the house with the camera in his hands trying to see what we are doing that is interesting. The answer – absolutely nothing. Every single one of us was deep into napping and so he is sharing these pictures today.

Chief of Security Kiska - promises to wake if a threat occurs.

Chief of Security Kiska – promises to wake if a threat occurs.


Qannik sees the Hu-dad. But is too tired to get up.

Qannik sees the Hu-dad. But is too tired to get up.


You know Typhoon is into his lazy ways when he is not shredding paper Hu-Dad left on the floor of his study.

You know Typhoon is into his lazy ways when he is not shredding paper Hu-Dad left on the floor of his study.


Frankie swears by the pretzel position for sleeping.

Frankie swears by the pretzel position for sleeping.


Cheoah loves the dining room for napping because of its south-facing (and sun collecting) windows.

Cheoah loves the dining room for napping because of its south-facing (and sun collecting) windows.


And, yes, even Boom Boom is napping. More or less.

And, yes, even Boom Boom is napping. More or less.

Come back tomorrow. We might have moved.


  1. Edie on February 7, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    If Hu-Dad wants some action shots, tell him to leave a roast on the counter, I’m sure that will get you moving. ????

  2. Annie on February 7, 2017 at 8:15 am

    They are like children bc they look like angels when sleeping. Lol

  3. Lori on February 7, 2017 at 7:27 am

    Lazy days and Mondays…. you fluffy butts make them happy ????????

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