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Come on, let's go!

Walk Delayed By Slow Pokes

October 2, 2017 |

We have all been there. You are ready to get going on an adventure, but some slow pokes are holding up the entire process. Walk time is one of the highlights of the day, so The Herd doesn’t appreciate any delay in the action. And yesterday’s weather was perfect for walking – cool, crisp, sunny…

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Ready? Get set?

Hu-Dad So Can’t Catch This

October 1, 2017 |

The gauntlet was thrown down. The dare was cast. Hu-Dad made his best effort, but Speedy Typhoon knew that Hu-Dad can’t catch this. Landon may be the bounciest Sibe at Chez Herd, but no one is faster than the Little Prince himself. As the sun was setting last night, the air grew crisp and cold…

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The horror! The horror!

Sulking From The Evening’s Insults

September 30, 2017 |

Sorry, but we are sulking right now after an evening of insults from our Hu-Dad. You will not believe what he has done to us now! Hu-Dad invited a bunch of guests to the house Friday evening for a little dinner party. The house was vacuumed the house, furniture was dusted, and an elaborate dinner…

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Fresh Cut Grass

Fresh Cut Grass – Film Friday

September 29, 2017 |

Hu-Dad mowed Sibe Quentin yesterday, giving us fresh cut grass. So, of course, we played in the one spot without grass – the picnic table.

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I'm busy here.

I Will Be There In A Few Minutes

September 28, 2017 |

When Hu-Dad asked Cheoah why she wasn’t napping in his study, she replied, “I will be there in a few minutes.” Do you wonder why? Autumn has certainly arrived in force at Chez Herd. Our days are cool and our nights are chilly. Trees surrounding Sibe Quentin are bursting with color and leaves are falling.…

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Pbbbbbbt. I don't wanna pose.

Uncooperative Photography Subjects

September 27, 2017 |

Every day, Hu-Dad asks for at least one of us to pose for a few pictures. Some days, he battles an uncooperative photography subject. Ah, Qannik, don’t you want to be today’s model. You are so photogenic and people love to see your pictures. How about you give us your best regal pose. Well, not…

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Look at all of that work.

Busy Monday After A Long Weekend

September 26, 2017 |

Take a Friday off to enjoy a long weekend and you know what is coming – a busy Monday just trying to catch up on the backlog of work. As we shared over the weekend, we took off early Friday for an S-RV adventure and shakedown – an opportunity to test the new S-RV for…

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Just helping the Hu-Dad catch up in the study.

Post-S-RV Weekend Reclaiming Positions

September 25, 2017 |

After a fun, long weekend in the S-RV, we are home and reclaiming positions – almost like we were never gone from Chez Herd. We are asked a lot how everyone handles traveling in the crates in the S-RV. The photo above should answer how much we like our crates. As soon as they were…

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Stop taking pictures so I can nap.

Appreciating Camping Benefits

September 24, 2017 |

Even in a short weekend trip like we took, Hu-Dad says he really appreciates the camping benefits of taking us out in the S-RV. During a camping trip, we take lots of walks (something about a Tired Sibe is a Good Sibe) and get to meet lots of people. The result is that we are…

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Outside on the picket line.

New RV Shakedown Weekend

September 23, 2017 |

When you get a new RV, the first trip you plan is a shakedown weekend – an opportunity to learn all of the gadgets and test that everything works. Hu-Dad had planned the trip for late September thinking it would be nice and cool. WRONG. We almost hit 90 in the campground, so we decided…

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Treat Time

Herd Treat Time – Film Friday

September 22, 2017 |

Treat time might be the best part of the day, so we decided to turn it into a Film Friday so you can see how we each take treats differently. Of course, meal time is pretty awesome. As is nap time. And walk time.  And bug-the-Hu-Dad-while-he-works time. But, really, we love treat time. Now, we…

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Hi, Hu-Dad.

Attack Of The Giant Cotton Ball

September 21, 2017 |

One of the hazards of hanging out on the porch is the relentless attack by a giant cotton ball, a fate that is always good for a few laughs. Qannik has always been a happy-go-lucky, wink-and-a-grin type of guy. His biggest challenge is that he doesn’t understand the concept of personal space. If Hu-Dad sits…

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