Busy Monday After A Long Weekend

Take a Friday off to enjoy a long weekend and you know what is coming – a busy Monday just trying to catch up on the backlog of work.

Look at all of that work.

Look at all of that work.

As we shared over the weekend, we took off early Friday for an S-RV adventure and shakedown – an opportunity to test the new S-RV for any issues that need to be fixed before a longer trip. Taking a three-day weekend made the trip much more relaxing, but so much work piled up. And what exactly did Landon let get behind?

Don't you know how busy I am?

Don’t you know how busy I am?

Well, we had rabbits and birds to chase (outside the fence – no catches). We had sticks that had fallen out of trees and needed to be dragged around. We had holes to check. We had grass to roll in. You just wouldn’t believe how much work piles up when you take a day off.

Don't forget - we are a working breed.

Don’t forget – we are a working breed.


  1. Juno's mom on September 26, 2017 at 12:12 pm

    Landon is a workaholic. 😉 A happy dog is a dog with a job to do.

  2. Laura Yager on September 26, 2017 at 7:23 am

    Landon needs to slow down! There’s plenty of time to chase, drag and roll. Don’t forget “wooing”. Your siblings need your voice in the choir. So much to do, and so little time! Go Boom Boom go…

  3. Lori on September 26, 2017 at 6:54 am

    You make me tired just listening to you Landon!

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