News / Blog Posts

Just wondering - did we forget to mention our plans to our readers?

Did We Forget To Mention Something?

October 14, 2017 |

Saturday already, so we are already deep into our weekend adventure. Oh, did we forget to mention that this is an S-RV weekend? We got up early Friday morning, loaded up the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle) and took off on another weekend adventure. Typhoon has assumed the upper crate directly behind the Hu-Dad while cruising…

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Frankie's Little Shadow

Frankie’s Little Shadow – Film Friday

October 13, 2017 |

As we have said many times before, Landon adores his big brother – as demonstrated in his role as Frankie’s Little Shadow. Believe it or not, this week Landon will celebrate his first anniversary of being a member of The Herd. We had always assumed that he and Typhoon would become the best of friends,…

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Little Brother Landon trying to stir up Big Brother Frankie.

What Is The Purpose Of A Chaise Lounge?

October 12, 2017 |

We Siberian Huskies are a working breed and today we are vocabulary experts. Landon will explain the purpose of a chaise lounge. Landon adores his big brother. Begs for his attention. Tries to get him to play. And, just when he least expects it, Frankie answers the call. Landon might be a little faster, but…

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It's all about me!

Chilling With Cheesewhiz

October 11, 2017 |

Hurricane Nate (for us known as Really Nasty Storm Nate Jr) finally cleared out from our area, so Hu-Dad had some chilling with Cheesewhiz time on the deck. Taking photographs of Cheoah can often be quite challenging because she prefers to be very up close and personal. She thought if Hu-Dad was going to sit…

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Missed A Rabbit By A Hare

October 10, 2017 |

In a fumble of Sibe Quentin security, Typhoon almost caught another rabbit, though Hu-Dad has kidded him that he missed it by a hare.

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Fix the weather, Hu-Dad.

Who Ordered This Much Rain?

October 9, 2017 |

Hurricane Nate had lost much of its punch by the time it reached us, but we still wondered who ordered this much rain to ruin our games. As always, we feel for everyone who has had to deal with the hurricanes and all of their destruction. Where we live, we tend to just get lots…

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When No One Wants To Play

October 8, 2017 |

When you are young and full of energy like the Boom Boom, what do you do when you ask your siblings and no one wants to play? The poor Boom Boom. Saturday afternoon was warm and humid. Ok, fine, our high was 72ºF (22ºC) which is warm for us. And with Hurricane Nate – which…

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Look at those kids playing out there.

Big Brother Monitoring Station

October 7, 2017 |

When you feel an obligation to supervise your younger siblings, the big brother monitoring station becomes a critical place. Frankie Suave tries to act nonchalant about the behavior of his younger brothers, but the reality is that he feels responsible to keep them out of trouble. And with Typhoon and Landon, that can be a…

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Supper Time Title

Supper Time – A Film Friday Production

October 6, 2017 |

No event is more important in our daily lives than supper time, unless maybe breakfast time. Either way, we share it for this week’s Film Friday. One question we always get is why we feed in crates. We believe the dinner should be eaten at our own pace, without worry that a neighbor might try…

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Landon (Boom Boom) bored and looking for something to do.

Answering When Big Brother Calls

October 5, 2017 |

When his big brother calls, Boom Boom is quick to answer. The only question is why was Frankie Suave calling for his shadow. A quiet fall evening, so Landon was wandering around the yard checking things out. But then his big brother called for him. Was Landon in trouble? Had he done something wrong? Was…

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Looks like it is time to go on security patrol.

No One Suspects Sneaky Kiska

October 4, 2017 |

Of all of the members of The Herd, Miss Kiska is never anyone’s first guess as the sneaky one – but she sure can be stealthy. We don’t surprise you with Typhoon’s delinquency or Landon’s playfulness. Cheoah’s instigating ways are as common as Qannik’s goofiness. And, of course, Frankie is Suave. But you probably just…

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You ready to go to bed yet, Hu-Dad?

Working Late With The Hu-Dad

October 3, 2017 |

Hu-dad had lots of busy-ness for a Monday and ended up working late into the evening, which delayed our all important bedtime. Keeping Hu-Dad on schedule is one of our most important tasks. The most critical part, of course, is making sure that meals are delivered timely – and, boy, does he need reminders for…

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