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Saturday already, so we are already deep into our weekend adventure. Oh, did we forget to mention that this is an S-RV weekend?
We got up early Friday morning, loaded up the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle) and took off on another weekend adventure. Typhoon has assumed the upper crate directly behind the Hu-Dad while cruising down the road, so he fancies himself as the tour guide.
By the way, we were asked how we decided who is in the top crates and who is in the bottom. While we answered that in the comments, we thought we would mentioned it here in a post so that everyone sees it.
Right now, the top crates are occupied by Landon, Frankie and Typhoon. The bottom by Kiska, Qannik and Cheoah. In case you notice a little age grouping, you would be correct. Hu-Dad places the younger Herd members in the top crates because they can jump up all by themselves – saving the Hu-Dad’s back. The less “jumpy” seniors take the bottom crates where they can just walk in.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Hi-Dad is really kinda smart with that placement of crate & his back!!!
Annnnnnnndddddd AAAAAAAAwwwwwwwaaaaayyyyyyy we gooooooo….
Oh boy! Oh boy! A camping weekend! Have a wonderful trip!
Almost exactly what I was going to comment!
I seem to remember that Queen Natasha the Evil did not ride in a crate but was safely seatbelted in a seat behind Hu-dad…. was that because it was a different S-RV, or was that just by virtue of her rank?
Also, I have a placement question (my husband and I are thinking about getting a RV of similar design to take our 5 on trips).. so we are always careful with plenty of stops but accidents do happen… if someone on top can’t hold it or gets sick, isn’t the bottom dog in danger of becoming collateral damage (I.e. Wearing the accident)? I know there are trays in the crates and we would have to build support for the top row, im just thinking w movement .. etc.
Thank you
Sorry for our slow response – we have been out enjoying out S-RV weekend and keeping Hu-Dad away from his computer. Believe it or not, he survived.
Excellent memory. You are thinking of not the last but the next to last RV (yes, 2 a go). We didn’t have room for six crates so some of us wore our seatbelts and sat on the couch. The crates are a much safer option.
As for the accident question, no one on the upper deck has had such a problem. However, ever since you asked, the bottom row is requesting umbrellas.
No apology necessary!! I am so glad you are enjoying your trip!
Let the bottom row know they are safe this was asked because I have two dogs w health issues that could affect the bottom row… my packhas had a meeting and are currently searching for travel appropriate u brellas
Thank you for your response