Missed A Rabbit By A Hare

In a fumble of Sibe Quentin security, Typhoon almost caught another rabbit, though Hu-Dad has kidded him that he missed it by a hare.

That might be the worst joke ever, Hu-Dad.
That might be the worst joke ever, Hu-Dad.

As even the most casual reader of our stories knows, Typhoon is quite the rabbit hunter. He can not only catch them in a flat out dash, but he can twist and turn with the fanciest of them. Few escape his jaws once he sets sight on them.

I smell bunny rabbit.
I smell bunny rabbit.

As a result, Typhoon is not allowed out into the yard until Hu-Dad has an opportunity to do a rabbit search. For early morning and late night yard requests, Hu-Dad purchased a giant flashlight which illuminates the darkest corners of the yard. If a rabbit has been spotted, Hu-Dad escorts it from the yard. Only after the yard has been scanned and cleansed is Typhoon released for his fruitless hunt. These efforts have resulted in Typhoon not catching a single rabbit for several months.

I know a rabbit has been in my yard.
I know a rabbit has been in my yard.

The other morning, Hu-Dad turned that bright light onto all of the corners. Determining it was a rabbit free zone, he released Typhoon. A rabbit, hiding in the shadows of the Tree of Life, realized its peril and took off. Typhoon, as surprised as the Hu-Dad at his great luck, took off in hot pursuit. A twist, a turn, a race – Typhoon closing the gap the whole time. The rabbit spotted a gap in the gate – big enough for bunny but too big for dog. It turned on the turbo, feeling Typhoon’s hot breath. Typhoon, seeing his prey about to escape, reached forward, snapped his jaws shut and . . . caught only fluff from the rabbit’s tail as it slid through the opening.

Somewhere, a rabbit tells a tale about missing part of his tail and how a hare escaped by a hair.

Or something like that.

Typhoon Phooey - Mighty Hunter
Typhoon Phooey – Mighty Hunter


  1. Debbie & Miss Ruby on May 24, 2023 at 7:13 am

    You do have to be very diligent when you have a Husky “hunter”!!

  2. JEAN BURKHARDT on May 24, 2023 at 6:22 am

    Love that Hu-Dad-“Missed by a Hare-lol” Poor Typhoon Phooey-foiled again.

  3. Laura Yager on October 10, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    Our little Bolt has a penchant for Squirrels. He’s caught and slayed 3 in his 2 years. We warn the squirrels, and try shooing them from the yard, but they’d rather tease poor Bolt and the other 2 dogs. Chattering and tail swishing only entices Bolt and his sidekicks. It would go on for hours if we didn’t stop the chase. Huskies are great hunters, and we usually don’t want what they’ve gathered!

  4. Juno's mom on October 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    Huskie’s are good hunters, but too traumatic for me, dealing with the victims. I also do a search at night when letting Juno out before bed. After buying dozens of flashlights, I finally found one that is phenomenal. It’s as bright as a searchlight and fits in a pocket. I thought I’d provide an Amazon link in case anyone might be interested, if that’s ok. It’s well worth the $40. https://www.amazon.com/Touch-1K-Flashlight-Multi-function-Touchscreen/dp/B01MY9O184/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1507651356&sr=8-1&keywords=Touch+1K

  5. Ann Foose on October 10, 2017 at 11:56 am

    If corgis could climb trees I would have the same problem with squirrels. I’m glad the bunny escaped.

  6. KJ Pierson on October 10, 2017 at 11:02 am

    That wascally wabbit.

  7. Lori on October 10, 2017 at 6:55 am

    Phew!!! No wabbit stew for Typhoon!

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