News / Blog Posts

Trouble Brothers Entrance

February 26, 2023 |

We never expected Typhoon and Roscoe to be the bestest buddies ever, but their friendship is rock solid. Where one goes, the other is sure to follow. And, yes, that includes out to the backyard where the two of them split duties left and right to search for errant rabbits.

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Roscoe Goes Boom

February 25, 2023 |

A simple misunderstanding by Roscoe about whose treat and where it was going led to a disaster we can only call Roscoe goes Boom.

The story is longer than normal, so full details require you click the link.

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Wanting A Closer Inspection

February 24, 2023 |

Little disturbs Roscoe’s yard time until Hu-Dad tried to have a snack without canine assistance. That’s clearly forbidden at Chez Herd, but Hu-Dad attempted to deny he possessed food. Roscoe has his doubts so is demanding a closer inspection.

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Office Support Staff

February 23, 2023 |

You might think we lie around and nap while Hu-Dad attends to his busyness, but then you would have forgotten we Siberian Huskies are a working breed. Our cousins might pull sleds and work in frigid temperatures, but we toil every day as the official office support staff. As exhausting as it might be to watch, here is Landon supporting the desk. Yes, it’s still standing thanks to his efforts. What would Hu-Dad do without us?

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Name Calling

February 21, 2023 |

Humans are so silly. They kept repeating themselves over and over. Something about Roscoe, come inside. Roscoe, we really mean now. Roscoe, we know you can hear us. Clearly, Roscoe is busy and can’t be bothered with such things.

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things we shouldn't discuss

Things We Shouldn’t Discuss

February 19, 2023 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey didn’t feel great for a couple days. These things, unfortunately, happen from time to time. He has a wide range of digestive issues and is on a very strict diet and a series of medications. Unfortunately, he ate something he shouldn’t have. The only question is who fault it was.

Longer story today, so you must click for the details.

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Landon of the Jungle

February 18, 2023 |

You might think our backyard is safe, but stealthy creatures live in these woods. We aren’t talking bears, coyotes, bobcats, snakes, or even skunks. No, our scariest creature can sneak up upon you with uncanny silence. Well, as long as you don’t count the bouncing, crashing, and wooing.

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Sure Sign of Spring

February 17, 2023 |

We know it’s too early, but it’s been hard not to develop spring fever this week. The sun has been shining. Temperatures warmed. Bushes and trees sprouted new buds. Pollen tickled the noses. All have enticed the Little Prince into the yard to take a nap in one his usual sleeping positions. This might damage the Royal image, but Typhoon doesn’t care.

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Serious About Avoiding Rain

February 16, 2023 |

As the senior most member of The Herd, Frankie Suave claims certain rights. His top priority is that the chaos of the youngsters doesn’t involve him. They are smart enough to follow that rule. His second priority, though, is not to get wet, even when he must conduct outdoor business. Mother Nature is far less cooperative. In today’s photo, business is complete and he is returning to his comfy, warm bed.

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That Looks Concerning

February 14, 2023 |

Roscoe’s bestest pal ever is his brother, Typhoon. Unfortunately, that means Roscoe often gets pulled into whatever mischief making the Little Prince is doing. Every now and then, Roscoe hesitates when he sees something that looks concerning. Don’t worry, though, he always caves and joins right in.

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Typhoon Focus

February 12, 2023 |

Hu-Dad took advantage of some warmer, drier weather to sit on the patio and take photos of us. Great plan, except sitting on the patio draws our attention. Typhoon asked, “Have you fallen and can’t get up?”

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The Tongue

February 11, 2023 |

A racer’s body. The strong legs. Firm paws. Sleek muscularity. Focused eyes. Aerodynamic coat. Proper tongue placement. At least according to Roscoe.

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