Things We Shouldn’t Discuss

Typhoon is feeling much better, he’s happy to report, but the reasons for his last couple of not-so-happy days fall under things we shouldn’t discuss.

I really don't want to talk about it - things we shouldn't discuss
I really don’t want to talk about it

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey didn’t feel great for a couple days. These things, unfortunately, happen from time to time. He has a wide range of digestive issues and is on a very strict diet and a series of medications. Unfortunately, he ate something he shouldn’t have. The only question is who fault it was.

Hu-Dad works all morning in his study and then we get a few minutes of yard time, he eats some lunch, and then we go on our afternoon walk. He was preparing his lunch when Typhoon announced he needed to go outside. The door was opened. Typhoon and the others went out.

Ty made quick work of his business and banged on the door to be let back inside. He doesn’t scratch. He bangs. He is, after all, royalty. Hu-Dad let him in.

This is where things went wonky. Hu-Dad had a pimento cheese sandwich on the counter. A freshly-made, whole, pimento cheese sandwich. Typhoon knew exactly where it was. He might be eleven years old, but he’s still fast. Faster than you can say, “Don’t touch that sandwich,” Typhoon was up on the counter and swallowing the sandwich.

Through much burping, farting, and other repercussions, the next two days passed. So did the sandwich. He showed little interest in his regular food. And, as hard as it might be to imagine, the Little Curmudgeon was grouchier than normal.

We’re happy to report that Ty felt much better yesterday. He ate his meals, didn’t resist (too much) his medicine routine, and had lowered the attitude to mere grumbliness.

Ty, of course, says its all Hu-Dad’s fault for leaving a sandwich out within reach of an avowed counter surfer. Hu-Dad points out that Ty did not have to levitate off the kitchen floor and commit thievery.

We leave the final verdict to you, Dear Readers.


  1. HokiePack on February 20, 2023 at 4:13 pm

    Guilty as charged Hu-Dad! Food can never be left in range of a thief!! LOL It is good to hear the Ty is still fast on his feety-feet!!

  2. Christina on February 20, 2023 at 12:30 pm

    Love that he levitated!! My hero ~ Yeti

  3. Juno's mom on February 19, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    Poor Typhoon. I know you feel horrible about it. Happy to hear he’s better.

  4. Ann Foose on February 19, 2023 at 11:10 am

    After many years of having only corgis in the house, I adopted a dog that is half Border Collie. Very fast, always hungry, after six months I still haven’t gotten used to keeping the kitchen counters food-free. So yes, I blame myself and therefore I must blame you, too. At least Sky has no digestive issues!

  5. Sea Wolf on February 19, 2023 at 9:48 am

    Poor Prince. But, did the others complain to management that the Prince got a treat that they did not? Mine all insist on fair shares for all. Glad that he is ok and feeling better though.

  6. Debbie & Miss Ruby on February 19, 2023 at 8:15 am

    Sorry to say, Ty was the victim here. I always blamed myself when my counter surfer ate when my back was turned.

  7. mary michaud on February 19, 2023 at 7:19 am

    Those of us who love to eat have a difficult time resisting the lure of food; and when it is right there to tease us, we eat. Hu-Dad, now you can only leave food on the counter that is safe for The Prince to eat–maybe the two of you might have to be on the same diet????

  8. JEAN BURKHARDT on February 19, 2023 at 6:38 am

    HHMM? I have to say Hu-Dad that it was YOUR fault. You KNOW the Little Prince is still FAST on his feety feet and cannot eat many things so yes-I vote-YOU!-LOL I’m glad he is feeling better though.

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