News / Blog Posts

No, This Is Not A ReRun (And Movie Memory Monday)

March 19, 2018 |

This may look like something we just did yesterday, but we promise this is not a rerun. Hu-Dad just felt like we needed some more energy burned.

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Boys’ Walk To Reduce The Exuberance

March 18, 2018 |

The exuberance level was high, so Hu-Dad declared a boys’ walk to burn some energy off. Guess who was the first one to get tired? Hu-Dad had had enough. Too much wrestling. Too much squawking. Too much running about. He decided some boys needed to head out for a nice, long, brisk walk to burn…

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Sleepy Cheesewhiz Interruption

March 17, 2018 |

A certain redhead was unimpressed with Hu-Dad’s photography efforts. Never wake a sleepy Cheesewhiz – isn’t that how the saying goes? Hu-Dad was inside Sibe Quention taking photographs of the dogs. Various members of The Herd had already modeled for him when he spied Cheoah sitting on the deck, apparently staring at something. After he…

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March Snow Day Title

March Snow Day – Film Friday

March 16, 2018 |

After teasing us several days in a row, Mother Nature finally provided us a March Snow Day – perfect for this week’s Film Friday.

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Pluckers Anonymous – Your Resistance Test

March 15, 2018 |

Hi. This is Hu-Dad. Welcome to Pluckers Anonymous, the support group for all of you who are trying to reach through the screen and pluck Boom Boom’s fur.

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A Change In Sleeping Arrangements

March 14, 2018 |

We were all snoring away in Hu-Dad’s study when we made a change in sleeping arrangements, making a certain younger brother happy.

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They call that snow? When we were pups . . .

Mid-March Winter Storm Aftermath

March 13, 2018 |

Our weather prognosticators predicted we would be hammered by snow yesterday, so we have to share the winter storm aftermath around Chez Herd.

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Hey, Big Bro! How about a little indoor wrestlemania,

Indoor Wrestlemania To Help Hu-Dad’s Busyness

March 12, 2018 |

Hu-Dad’s study was quiet and he was working on his busyness, so we decided to liven things up with a little indoor wrestlemania. (and Movie Memory Monday!)

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Why is the Little Prince showing the displeased royalty look?

Displeased Royalty – No Question About It

March 11, 2018 |

A single photograph captures the moment perfectly – displeased royalty. And what exactly did the Hu-Dad say to earn such a look?

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I have no idea what you are talking about.

Spring Brings Blooming Fur

March 10, 2018 |

As March so often goes, we can’t tell from one day to the next whether it is winter or spring. But the blooming fur is the surest sign of things to come. Siberian Husky owners are often asked if we shed. Hu-Dad’s standard answer is yes, twice a year. January through June and July through…

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cold snowy day

Just Another Cold Snowy Day – Film Friday

March 9, 2018 |

After a warm, rainy February, we were ready for spring. And now we have had another cold snowy day in March just in time for Film Friday.

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Roasting in the sun.

Icy Cold Day Warm Sunshine

March 8, 2018 |

With temperatures that never rose above freezing yesterday, the warm sunshine of the deck made for a terrific napping spot.

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