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Hu-Dad’s study was quiet and he was working on his busyness, so we decided to liven things up with a little indoor wrestlemania.
Hu-Dad’s study can become quite boring. We are all stretched out in our favorites spots softly snoring away. And Hu-Dad is getting work done. But what fun is that?
So Landon decided to challenge his big brother, Frankie Suave, to a little wrestling match. Notice that Frankie, with the wisdom experience grants us, has his paws firmly planted on the rug while Landon is slipping and sliding on the wood floor. With that extra leverage, Frankie soon had everything under control.
Movie Memory Monday
We flash back to 2013, shortly after a young Little Prince arrived at Chez Herd. The ever patient big brother, Frankie Suave, is trying to convince young Typhoon that it is bedtime. Guess how that goes?
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Slippy slippy is part of Leena’s problem with my new house as well. The old house was mostly carpet. The one room I stayed in was largely a vinyl type giant thick linoleum. The type that comes in 10 or 12 foot wide rolls. She could manage walking fine on it. But on this old hardwood I have in this new place, even before she strained her back leg, she had problems slip sliding around.
Nothing is more enjoyable than watching her and the cat do their Landon impressions when in a hurry 😛
Frankie you have got to be the bestest big brother ever ????