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Typhoon and Roscoe love hanging out in Hu-Dad’s office, but get bored. When boredom strikes, one of them always asks the other, “Ready to Rumble?”
The two loners have become best pals. Typhoon has, of course, always been an independent cuss inside the Herd. And Roscoe had a reputation at his rescue of not having any buds. But they have found each other.
And for the next several minutes after such a challenge has been issued, the study becomes a wrestling match and Hu-Dad doesn’t get any work done. But he does grab his camera.
Yes, we know, many of you are wanting to reach through your computer screen and pluck all that waiting fur on Typhoon’s rump. Trust us, he is not a fan of anyone touching him. Except Roscoe.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
So glad the I don’t have the only untouchable and unbrushable Husky.. Makes life fun.
It looks like Landon the referee is observing from behind the gate. It’s an interesting relationship those two have.
do you ever get to pet Typhoon?
fascinating why he doesn’t want to be touched.
he’s just so beautiful! it would be hard not to.
Typhoon has moments where he wants a quick cuddle, but it’s on his terms and last as long as he wants it to and not a second more. Then he grumbles and runs off.
I just love the fact that Roscoe and Typhoon have become such great pals-even play fighting because it’s what they do! I think the last picture is a HUG!!!