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When Boom Boom appears to be in deep thought on the deck, you know he is just spending the evening in some adventure planning.
Evening was settling over Chez Herd and the rest of the dogs were relaxing in the cool summer breezes. Landon, however, was still looking for a little excitement. He usually looks to his big brother Frankie for guidance, but sometimes Big Brother Typhoon can come up with more entertaining options. For example, the Little Prince showed just last week how he likes to climb into Cheoah’s crate just to harass his sister. But would Boom Boom dare to do the same?
Yes, Hu-Dad forgot to post this week’s Throwback Thursday video. So he thought he would compound the mistake by re-sharing a video where he misspelled a word in the video.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Singing the songs of their people
Poor Cheoah… can’t catch a break from those silly boys ????
Oh the woes of maximum security….
Cheoah … singing in her best Sibe voice
“Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
Nobody knows the sorrow….”
Hopefully she is not reprimanded by Choir Mistress Kiska for an unapproved solo….