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A couple of weeks ago, our trees were covered with brilliant color, but now we are playing in the leaves of fall covering our ground.
By the way, you will discover that Landon’s first nickname has been applied – Boom Boom. We can’t really explain its origin, but it just came out of Hu-Dad’s mouth and stuck.
With all of the chaos of Chez Herd with the new addition, Frankie is the quiet role model – and also enjoys his private time in his cave.
And poor Cheoah just is surrounded by brothers who all want her attention. Typhoon, as the following photo shows, continues to be the biggest pest to her.
And so our leaves may have fallen from our trees and winter may be approaching, but so much remains the same around Chez Herd. This week’s Film Friday shows how things are different with the newcomer, but also how much the games remain the same. We hope you enjoy it!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Great video! Frankie looks like he’s thinking deep thoughts in his cave.
Great video! Frankie looks like he’s thinking deep thoughts in his cave
Landon just radiates happiness. Ty, the hilarious, thinks Cheoah is his chew toy, poor girl. And Frankie looks at the boys like, ‘ugh, teenagers.’ Wondered where Kiska was. Cute video!
Landon is such a cutie! We are happy it all worked out and he is fitting in well!
The herd is having a blast!!!!
An entertaining video from the Thundering Herd and the music was great too!