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A certain young dog is well known for his desire to be up before sunrise – which works because the hu-dad is the same way. On a camping trip, that mean they are the only two up early in the morning – hu-dad on his laptop at the dining room table and Typhoon at his RV observation post.
P.S. – As for that leash thing, a certain young pup also has an innate ability to find trouble even inside a space as small as an RV. Thus, a hu-dad has found it useful to keep a short sphere of control over said young Siberian.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Hello I LOVE that there is other people out there who adore huskies. I am also a husky owner. I am a little curious though my husky is going on about 8 months old now and looks very similar to the picture here, but he does not seem to be growing in his mane? I thought all huskies grew a big mane so I am wondering if he may not be a pure breed? also you have some really good pictures you should enter them in the cutest dog contest at we all love to see new pics of all dogs and would love to see some more that you have possibly a recent one.
Typhoon, you are such a wonderful boy to be up so early to supervise that hu-dad does not get into trouble…and to take first sentry duty. We hope the rest of the Pack appreciates your sacrifice!
BOL – we have one of those!
Does he have two collars on?
Monty and Harlow
Why, yes, Typhoon does have on 2 collars. The top one is the limited slip collar that we only wear when we are walking (or, in this case, tethered to a human). The lower collar is a break-away collar that we wear around the house for safety reasons.