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As long time readers know, when the hu-dad stops for a bite to eat, he usually leaves us in the Jeep. Some crazy rumor about the fact that we lack table manners. Yesterday, however, we visited some of our great friends in Charleston and stopped at the Kickin Chicken, a restaurant that encourages dogs to hang out on their porch.
Long time readers will remember that we have been to this restaurant before – you can check out the posts here (with the classic Frankie / Petco / Parakeet story), here (the great Rusty Pickle episode) and here (Qannik’s logic skills always at work). Go ahead and read them – we will wait on you.
. . . . .
Great, you are back. Told you we would wait. Anyway, surely, our table manners have improved since then. After all, now we have Typhoon along for his first visit. Let’s see how things went.
As always, thanks to our Charleston hosts for sharing a great hike and a great lunch with us!
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
I enjoyed that walk down memory lane. I am surprised that while the new pups have clearly been studying the successes and failures of their forefathers, that the humans have not learned to share yet! 😛
You are all mostly so well behaved! Wooooowooooooo!
Our boys used to always claim the whole patio for themselves – they didn’t want any other dogs scoring any meals!
Monty and Harlow