The Power of Oh

Roscoe is a canine of routine. He monitors when it’s time for walks, meals, or trips to the yard. He knows when the Hu-Dad should climb into the human bed with a book for reading time, which is Roscoe’s time to snuggle. And, if Hu-Dad finds the book super enjoyable and reads beyond the official lights out time, Roscoe leaves the human bed for his sleeping spot on his own schedule. (Frankie Suave sleeps in the human bed at night and isn’t big on sharing.)

Roscoe looking cute while lying on his back in the grass
Look how cute and innocent I am

These methodical patterns include his bathroom habits. Roscoe believes certain things should occur at certain times. Morning turnouts are for big business. Other times are strictly for watering plants.

The other night, as we prepared for bed with one last trip to the yard, Roscoe surprised the Hu-Dad with big business. Yes, he knew it wasn’t the morning, but sometimes, well, big business happens. He located the perfect spot, assumed the position, and prepared the stinky missile launch.

Roscoe with his expressive eyes
Really, Hu-Dad, don’t you think this a wee bit much detail for this story?

This change in routine surprised the Hu-Dad. In fact, the surprise was so great, Hu-Dad uttered a single word of marvel. “Oh.”

Now, Hu-Dad intended that noise to mean nothing more than he was caught off guard by the revamped routine. He didn’t aspire to impede Roscoe’s concentration on important processes. Or, more importantly, Roscoe’s productivity.

Roscoe, however, was as startled by Hu-Dad’s sudden noise as the Hu-Dad was with the change in routine. “Oh” revised everything.

Roscoe with a severe case of the zoomies racing around the yard.
Time to zoomie around the yard

That single word forced a reconsideration of all that had passed—and all that had not yet passed. Roscoe held the all-important position, but the launch was delayed. Instead, he looked toward the Hu-Dad, cocked his head in study, and contemplated his options.

Hu-Dad, wishing to get things back on track, explained at great length the meaning of his utterance, a conversation that probably amused any neighbors fortunate enough to hear the exchange. Roscoe, however, remained unconvinced. He decided the problem wasn’t in the what, but the where. Something about his placement selection must be the issue. That was the only plausible explanation for the sudden “oh.”

With unfinished business to attend, Roscoe commenced searching for a new location for his treasure. He takes great pride in such decisions, as is evidenced by his lengthy sniffing during our walks to locate the exact correct tree most in need of watering. One shouldn’t be hasty about such important matters.

Thus, thanks to Hu-Dad’s single word utterance, Roscoe broke protocol in two ways. Performing a morning duty in the evening. And slightly delaying bed time while proper placement was identified.

Hu-Dad, for his part, maintained silence while these critical matters were executed. He had learned his lesson and kept his editorial expressions to himself so as not to interrupt the canine expressions.

Roscoe running back to the house for supper
Sorry, but it’s dinner time. Got to go.

And that, dear friends, is the power of “oh.”

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  1. Belinda Hulen on May 1, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    Missed hearing about the herd.. Hope all are doing well.. I know it takes time to adjust when one is missing. We have lost 4 of ours over the years, and each one has such a special place in our hearts. Our oldest one now is 10 and I treasure each day we have with her.. Some days she has puppy tendencies and some days she takes many naps. Our youngest is 5 and is always frolicking and reminds us of a toddler. These may be our last two, as the years are creeping up on me and my husband and these huskies keep getting stronger and stronger. We may have to adopt smaller pups.. so, keep up the great work, with all your stories and photos that we enjoy so much..
    Thank you, Belinda Hulen, Bradenton, Florida.

  2. Susan on April 27, 2024 at 10:58 pm

    Yep, we train them, but they also train us, don’t they?

  3. Cheryl Seybert on April 26, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Glad that Roscoe has been able to mourn the loss of his Brother – The Little Prince!! Perhaps he found comfort in changing up the routine a bit or maybe he just had to go!!đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł I hope Hu-Dad & Hu-Mom & the rest of herd has had the chance to mourn as well💕💕

  4. Juno's mom on April 24, 2024 at 10:01 am

    It’s nice to see that Roscoe is adjusting, as they usually do, (probably better than the humans.) Writing is so therapeutic and you can take a fairly mundane act and create an entire story around it. We have missed the posts.

  5. Debbie & Miss Ruby on April 24, 2024 at 8:33 am

    Glad to see Roscoe is doing ok after loosing his best buddy. I laughed at the nightime episode. I call Ruby my clockwork redhead and wonder what is wrong if she fails to get up at 5:45am. They do keep us smiling.

  6. HokiePack on April 24, 2024 at 8:18 am

    So 😂 all it takes is one distraction to divert a Sibe.
    I’ve wondered how Roscoe was doing without Ty.
    I’m sure he misses him as they were best buds
    Thanks for the update !!

  7. Jean B Burkhardt on April 24, 2024 at 7:28 am

    Oh Hu-Dad I am laughing. Sometimes just one word will stop them in their tracks(as you know)!!! The correct place to go is VERY important.

    I’m happy Roscoe boy seems to be doing well too. He’s such a GOOD boy.

    • mary michaud on April 24, 2024 at 10:44 am

      yes Jean, I too am very happy that Roscoe seems to be doing well. He was so close to his best friend and I was concerned about poor Roscoe after his friend passed. Love to hear about the herd!

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