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Roscoe discovers the biggest problem with a failed sneak attack—when you’re caught, you get the warning look.
Roscoe had the perfect plan. Sneak in from the side when Typhoon wasn’t paying attention. Race as fast as the paws allowed. And tackle the bestest brother ever. Typhoon’s warning look suggests he might want to rethink things. Roscoe’s smile says not a chance.
P.S. – Happy Independence Day to our American readers.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
HIding out since June 29th because no one cares that veterans and dogs and critters are trembling. It is terrible because of the 4th being in the middle of the week. Now they will do it both weekends and around here a month of weekends afterwards.
What a cheeky little monkey Roscoe is. He’s so cute.
Happy July 4th, looks like the fireworks are about to start.
Don’t you dare is it ! Roscoe says I’m coming anyway!!
Happy 4th 🇺🇸💥
Hu-Dad-I bet a video of that encounter was something! I just LOVE the trouble brother and the LOOK on Typhoon’s face is priceless.
Happy July 4th to all !!